我在Debian 6.0.6框中使用bash编写gpg脚本时遇到了一些问题.我有一个脚本执行一批操作,并希望在尝试继续之前确保gpg-agent可用.
eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)
gpg-agent[21927]: a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one
当代理已在另一个会话中运行时,会出现问题. gpg-agent表示它已经在运行……但gpg自己然后声称它不可用.
$gpg-agent --version gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.0.19 libgcrypt 1.5.0 $gpg --version gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.13 $eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) gpg-agent[21927]: a gpg-agent is already running - not starting a new one $gpg -d demo-file.asc gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session
您可以通过确保没有运行gpg-agent或设置GPG_AGENT_INFO来重现这一点,然后在一个运行eval $(gpg-agent -daemon)的终端和运行上述内容的另一个终端中重现.你会注意到gpg-agent说它已经运行了,但是gpg无法连接到代理.
socket(PF_FILE,SOCK_STREAM,0) = 5 connect(5,{sa_family=AF_FILE,sun_path="/home/craig/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent"},32) = 0 fcntl(5,F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR) fcntl(5,F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR) select(6,[5],NULL,{0,0}) = 1 (in [5],left {0,0}) read(5,"OK Pleased to meet you,process "...,1002) = 38 mmap(NULL,8192,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS,-1,0) = 0x7f41a3e61000 write(2,"gpg-agent: gpg-agent running and"...,43gpg-agent: gpg-agent running and available ) = 43
而GnuPG似乎只关注环境,忽略了众所周知的套接字位置.在common / simple-pwquery.c中:
/* Try to open a connection to the agent,send all options and return the file descriptor for the connection. Return -1 in case of error. */ static int agent_open (int *rfd) { int rc; int fd; char *infostr,*p; struct sockaddr_un client_addr; size_t len; int prot; char line[200]; int nread; *rfd = -1; infostr = getenv ( "GPG_AGENT_INFO" ); if ( !infostr || !*infostr ) infostr = default_gpg_agent_info; if ( !infostr || !*infostr ) { #ifdef SPWQ_USE_LOGGING log_error (_("gpg-agent is not available in this session\n")); #endif return SPWQ_NO_AGENT; } /* blah blah blah truncated blah */ }