尽我所能,我不能完全复制那个pastebin.有人曾向我建议,可以使用selinux模拟行为 – 并且可以使用规则,可以强制uid在文件上,但不能从setuid目录权限(我可以看到).在互联网上阅读已经相当缺乏信息 – 大多数地方声称“不,目录上的setuid不能与linux一起工作”偶尔“它可以在特定情况下完成”(例如:http://arstechnica.com/etc/linux/2003/linux.ars-12032003.html)
我不记得原来是谁,但原来的系统是debian 6系统,它运行的文件系统是用“default,acl”挂载的xfs.我试过复制它,但到目前为止没有运气(到目前为止尝试了各种版本的debian,ubuntu,fedora和centos)
The setuid permission set on a directory is ignored on UNIX and Linux systems.[4] FreeBSD can be configured to interpret it analogously to setgid,namely,to force all files and sub-directories to be owned by the top directory owner.[5]
In FreeBSD,directories behave as if their setgid bit was always set,regardless of its actual value. As is stated in open(2),“When a new file is created it is given the group of the directory which contains it.”