linux – 如何修复所有问号作为权限的目录

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了linux – 如何修复所有问号作为权限的目录前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在使用CentOS 7并尝试列出目录的内容但不能.当我尝试列出内容时,我得到以下输出
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$ls -ali /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/
ls: cannot access /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs: Not a directory
total 12
2361284 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 26 14:40 .
2359297 drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Apr 26 17:41 ..
2362573 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 22  2017 tkr
      ? d????????? ? ?    ?       ?            ? vcs

输出声明我的目录vcs是“Not a directory”,即使它应该是,因为这是以前记录过文件的地方.此外,文件权限位现在都是问题标记,所有者也是,并且(莫名其妙地)inode ID.


在尝试了下面概述的所有内容之后,我看到的唯一前进路径是确保磁盘备份并运行fsck(如this forum所示)或者可能只是格式化整个安装.希望我找到一个更简单,不那么激烈的解决方案.


> sudo:我试过运行sudo ls但输出没有差别.
> rm:我试过删除vcs把它放回去但没有运气.我用sudo和没有尝试过这个,但也没有运气.奇怪的是,当我尝试sudo rm时,它声明是一个目录.我也试过rm同时使用-r和-d开关,也没有运气.我从rm命令尝试获得的输出是:

[entpnerd@myhost ~]$rm /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Not a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo rm /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Is a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo rm -r /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Is a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$rm -r /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Not a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$rm -rd /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Not a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo rm -rd /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Is a directory

> inode ID:我尝试通过inode删除(如this answer to a similar question所示),但我也没有运气,因为从上面的ls命令的输出可以看出,vcs目录没有inode ID.
>非ASCII字符:在帖子“How to Delete the Undeletable Directory”中,目录具有非ASCII字符.我从xxd输出中看到的情况也不是这样:

[entpnerd@myhost ~]$ls -l /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/ | xxd
ls: cannot access /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs: Not a directory
0000000: 746f 7461 6c20 340a 6472 7778 722d 7872  total 4.drwxr-xr
0000040: 3f3f 3f3f 3f20 3f20 3f20 2020 203f 2020  ????? ? ?    ?  
0000050: 2020 2020 203f 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020       ?          
0000060: 2020 3f20 7663 730a                        ? vcs.

> lsattr:正如类似问题“Why can’t I delete this file as root?”所示,我尝试使用lsattr命令,但没有运气:

[entpnerd@myhost ~]$lsattr /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/
-------------e-- /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/tkr
/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs: Not a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$lsattr /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
lsattr: Not a directory while trying to stat /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo lsattr /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
[sudo] password for entpnerd: 
lsattr: Not a directory while trying to stat /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs

>为目录设置可执行位:根据类似的问题“Question marks showing in ls of directory. IO errors too”,我尝试设置目录的可执行位,但也没有运气.

[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo chmod -R g+x /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
[sudo] password for entpnerd: 
chmod: cannot access ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Not a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo chmod -R u+x /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
chmod: cannot access ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Not a directory
[entpnerd@myhost ~]$sudo chmod -R a+x /data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs
chmod: cannot access ‘/data/sharedlogs/otherhost/vcs’: Not a directory



sudo service smb restart
