linux – 如何使用iptables或tc限制每个客户端的数据包.

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了linux – 如何使用iptables或tc限制每个客户端的数据包.前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。



sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state –state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -m limit –limit 50 / second –limit-burst 50 -j ACCEPT




  1. iptables -m recent -h
  2. recent match options:
  3. [!] --set Add source address to list,always matches.
  4. [!] --rcheck Match if source address in list.
  5. [!] --update Match if source address in list,also update last-seen time.
  6. [!] --remove Match if source address in list,also removes that address from list.
  7. --seconds seconds For check and update commands above.
  8. Specifies that the match will only occur if source address last seen within
  9. the last 'seconds' seconds.
  10. --reap Purge entries older then 'seconds'.
  11. Can only be used in conjunction with the seconds option.
  12. --hitcount hits For check and update commands above.
  13. Specifies that the match will only occur if source address seen hits times.
  14. May be used in conjunction with the seconds option.
  15. --rttl For check and update commands above.
  16. Specifies that the match will only occur if the source address and the TTL
  17. match between this packet and the one which was set.
  18. Useful if you have problems with people spoofing their source address in order
  19. to DoS you via this module.
  20. --name name Name of the recent list to be used. DEFAULT used if none given.
  21. --rsource Match/Save the source address of each packet in the recent list table (default).
  22. --rdest Match/Save the destination address of each packet in the recent list table.
  23. --mask netmask Netmask that will be applied to this recent list.


  1. iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -m recent --name ssh --set
  2. iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -m recent --name ssh --rcheck --seconds 30 --hitcount 2 -j DROP
