tar正在读取的数据不需要存在于文件系统缓存中.它进入tarfile就是这样.有什么东西我们可以说像tar cvf无论/ –no-system-file-buffer-reads?我对男人tar的阅读并没有出现任何看起来会有所帮助的东西.
There is the 07001 utility,which can prepended to a command like@H_301_12@ ionice and nice. It works by preloading a library which adds@H_301_12@
flag to any open calls.In simple terms,it advises the kernel that caching is not needed for@H_301_12@ that particular file; the kernel will then normally not cache the@H_301_12@ file. See 07002 for the technical details.
It does wonders for any huge copy jobs,e. g. if you want to backup a@H_301_12@ multi terabyte disk in the background with the least possible impact@H_301_12@ on you running system,you can do something along
nice -n19 ionice -c3 nocache cp -a /vol /vol2