a question,要求提供良好的Linux xterm字体,答案显示一个名为Terminus的答案.我一直在寻找一种新的终端字体,所以我
downloaded it(BTW,我正在运行Ubuntu Intrepid)并阅读自述文件:
1.1. Quick installation. The commands: $./configure [--prefix=PREFIX] $make # make install compile and install the Linux console and X11 Window System fonts,and # make fontdir updates fonts.dir for X11 (if you don't know what fonts.dir is,execute the command). 1.2. Legend. The file names are structured as follows: ter-u<SIZE><STYLE>.bdf where <SIZE> is 12,14,16,20,24,28 or 32,and <STYLE> is n for normal (all sizes),b for bold (all sizes except 6x12) and v for EGA/VGA bold (8x14 and 8x16 only,makes use of the eight character matrix column).
$./configure $make $sudo make install $sudo make fontdir
$xterm -font ter-u14n xterm: unable to open font "ter-u14n",trying "fixed"....
4. X11 Window System. 4.1. Installation. $./configure [--prefix=PREFIX | --x11dir=DIRECTORY] $make pcf # make install-pcf
好吧,我知道“xterm -font 8×16”有效,所以我运行“locate 8×16”并看到这个字体似乎存在于/usr/share / fonts / X11 / misc中,所以这似乎是一个很好的-x11dir到使用.所以我跑了:
$./configure --x11dir=/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc $make pcf $make install-pcf $sudo make fontdir
$xterm -font ter-u14n xterm: unable to open font "ter-u14n",trying "fixed"....
apt-get install xfonts-terminus xfonts-terminus-oblique