SCO Unix,My system is slow (Old Sco Unix)上的一篇文章中,它听起来并不适合你想要做的事情.
Linux systems have “memhog” if numactl is installed. Numactl can
assign specific a process to a specific cpu and control memory policy
in other ways. The “memhog” does something very simple: it eats up
memory and then releases it. Why would you ever do that?Well,possibly to test how another app performs when starved for
memory or to push unused memory in other apps out to swap (that can
help you see what’s really available should you need it).
显然,您为该实用程序提供了一个参数,指定您希望它采取多少内存,例如: memhog 512m – 见Issue 19: crash with repeated cycles of memhog (x86 and x64)
也许5 commands to check memory usage on Linux中提到的其中一个实用程序更适合您的目的.