目前,我使用exec 22>& 2 21>& 1 1> $log 2>& 1将我的bash脚本写入stderr和stdout到日志文件.我想为每个条目添加一个时间戳,但我还没有找到一个简单的方法来做到这一点.理想情况下,对当前命令进行简单的更改,然后在其余部分之前将时间写在同一行上.
#!/bin/bash #This script takes the server to rysnc as an argument. You can also tell #the script to check the server_status.txt file. # #Example: /path/to/script/sync.sh grail true # #The arguments are order senstive. The server name must come before the status #check value. #Logfile LOG=/var/log/sync.log DIRECTORYS="auth/ keys/ log/mailwhen/ intranet/ www/calmaa/data/ www/admatch/data/ www/sfhsa/data/ www/hfa3_org www/padmatch/ www/serverdown/" if [ "x$2" == "xfalse" ]; then return 0 elif [ "x$2" == "xtrue" ]; then if [ `cat /srv/www/wan*/server_status.txt` == "primary" ]; then exit 0 fi else echo "Please use \"true\" or \"false\" for the second value." exit 1 fi # Copy stdout and stderr,and then open the logfile exec 22>&2 21>&1 1>$log 2>&1 # Here is how to restore stdout and stderr: # exec 2>&22 1>&21 for DIRECTORY in $DIRECTORYS; do rsync -azu --delete --bwlimit=500 $1:/srv/$DIRECTORY /srv/$DIRECTORY done
exec > >(while read -r line; do printf '%s %s\n' "$(date --rfc-3339=seconds)" "$line"; done)
2013-09-04 21:32:14-05:00 An event occurred and this is the message 2013-09-04 21:32:37-05:00 Some time passed,another event produced a message