#ps ax ... 17051 ? Zl 8498:24 [impalad] <defunct> ... # ps -o ppid= -p 17051 1
我试过杀了-s SIGCHLD 1.它没有帮助.
You cannot kill a defunct process (a.k.a zombie) as it is already
dead. It doesn’t take any resources so it’s no big deal but if you
really want it to disappear form the process table you need to have
its parent procees reaping it. “pstree” should give you the process
hierarchy and “kill -1 ” is sometimes enough for the job.
You cannot kill a (zombie) process as it is already dead.
The only reason why the system keeps zombie processes is to keep the
exit status for the parent to collect. If the parent does not collect
the exit status then the zombie processes will stay around forever.
The only way to get rid of those zombie processes are by killing the
parent. If the parent is init then you can only reboot.
What is a zombie process and how do I kill it?
There is already an accepted answer,however: you CAN kill the zombie process. Attach with the debugger to the parent process and call waitpid function. E.g.: - let's assume that the parent has PID=100,the zombie process has PID=200 $gdb -p 100 (gdb) call waitpid(200,0) (gdb) quit
这个家伙在一个似乎继续运行的失效过程中遇到了问题.我不明白,但这里是链接.在这种情况下,杀死-9 pid声称可以工作.
Zombie processes still alive and working fine,but can’t be killed?