Rule files are stored in the
directory.There’s some advice from the README in that directory on how to name
rule files:Files should be named xx-descriptive-name.rules,the xx should be
chosen first according to the following sequence points:< 60 most user rules; if you want to prevent an assignment being
overriden by default rules,use the := operator.these cannot access persistent information such as that from vol_id
< 70 rules that run helpers such as vol_id to populate the udev db
< 90 rules that run other programs (often using information in the
udev db)=90 rules that should run last
sdc1等)它仍然可以被识别出来.KERNEL=="sd?1",ATTRS{idVendor}=="13fe",ATTRS{idProduct}=="1f00",ATTRS{serial}=="50E6920B000AE8"Now that we have the keys necessary to
identify the particular hardware we’re looking for we can add
assignment arguments. In our case we added two. The first creates a
symlink to this device inside of the /dev/ directory. The second
executes a script in our home directory:SYMLINK+="hackaday",RUN+="/home/mike/notify-plugin.sh 'HackaDay Thumbdrive:' 'Connected as: $KERNEL'"Here is the final rule assembled
into one line:KERNEL=="sd?1",ATTRS{serial}=="50E6920B000AE8",SYMLINK+="hackaday",RUN+="/home/mike/notify-plugin.sh 'HackaDay Thumbdrive:' 'Connected as: $KERNEL'"We added this as the only line in our rule file and then
restarted udev using these commands:sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/81-thumbdrive.rules sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart@H_404_36@