




你可以创建你的 Git仓库:

>但是使用–git-dir =< path>指定.git dir或$GIT_DIR环境变量并引用(备份)主目录中的路径.

git init命令考虑了$GIT_DIR环境变量:

If the $GIT_DIR environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of ./.git for the base of the repository.



Set the path to the root of the work tree.
This can be overridden by the GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable and the --work-tree command line option.
It can be an absolute path or a relative path to the .git directory,either specified by --git-dir or GIT_DIR,or automatically discovered.
If --git-dir or GIT_DIR are specified but none of --work-tree,GIT_WORK_TREE and core.worktree is specified,the current working directory is regarded as the root of the work tree.

Note that this variable is honored even when set in a configuration file in a “.git” subdirectory of a directory,and its value differs from the latter directory (e.g. “/path/to/.git/config” has core.worktree set to “/different/path“),which is most likely a misconfiguration.
Running git commands in “/path/to” directory will still use “/different/path” as the root of the work tree and can cause great confusion to the users.


Could it be as simple as creating a .git symbolic link in the local partition to the .git directory in the remote NFS partition?


更新2018年(8年后):Tom Russell添加in the comments

It appears that the --separate-git-dir flag is now used to point to .git/ on the NFS server when initializing the repository on the local workstation (NFS client).
Subsequent behavior is odd,though: Changes committed on the NFS client don’t automatically propagate to the server,requiring a git checkout -- <file> on the server.

I subsequently figured out that a git reset --hard in the server repo after a commit in the client repo (or vice-versa) is the easiest way to bring a working directory up to date.
