linux – Git Bash在Windows 7上显示奇怪的字符

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了linux – Git Bash在Windows 7上显示奇怪的字符前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我在我的 Windows中安装了 Gitbash并定义了Linux命令行(例如ls列出目录),但命令行返回奇怪的字符.
Reginaldo@Dell MINGW64 /c/dev/PHP/laravel/flamboyant (master)
$PHP artisan
←[32mLaravel Framework←[39m version ←[33m5.1.29 (LTS)←[39m

  command [options] [arguments]

  ←[32m-h,--help←[39m            Display this help message
  ←[32m-q,--quiet←[39m           Do not output any message
  ←[32m-V,--version←[39m         Display this application version
  ←[32m    --ansi←[39m            Force ANSI output
  ←[32m    --no-ansi←[39m         Disable ANSI output
  ←[32m-n,--no-interaction←[39m  Do not ask any interactive question
  ←[32m    --env[=ENV]←[39m       The environment the command should run under.
  ←[32m-v|vv|vvv,--verbose←[39m  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for norm
al output,2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

←[33mAvailable commands:←[39m
  ←[32mclear-compiled←[39m      Remove the compiled class file
  ←[32mdown←[39m                Put the application into maintenance mode
  ←[32menv←[39m                 Display the current framework environment
  ←[32mhelp←[39m                Displays help for a command
  ←[32minspire←[39m             Display an inspiring quote
  ←[32mlist←[39m                Lists commands
  ←[32mmigrate←[39m             Run the database migrations
  ←[32moptimize←[39m            Optimize the framework for better performance
  ←[32mserve←[39m               Serve the application on the PHP development ser
  ←[32mtinker←[39m              Interact with your application
  ←[32mup←[39m                  Bring the application out of maintenance mode
  ←[32mapp:name←[39m            Set the application namespace
  ←[32mauth:clear-resets←[39m   Flush expired password reset tokens
  ←[32mcache:clear←[39m         Flush the application cache
  ←[32mcache:table←[39m         Create a migration for the cache database table
  ←[32mconfig:cache←[39m        Create a cache file for faster configuration loa
  ←[32mconfig:clear←[39m        Remove the configuration cache file
  ←[32mdb:seed←[39m             Seed the database with records
  ←[32mevent:generate←[39m      Generate the missing events and listeners based
on registration
  ←[32mhandler:command←[39m     Create a new command handler class
  ←[32mhandler:event←[39m       Create a new event handler class
  ←[32mkey:generate←[39m        Set the application key
  ←[32mmake:command←[39m        Create a new command class
  ←[32mmake:console←[39m        Create a new Artisan command
  ←[32mmake:controller←[39m     Create a new resource controller class
  ←[32mmake:event←[39m          Create a new event class
  ←[32mmake:job←[39m            Create a new job class
  ←[32mmake:listener←[39m       Create a new event listener class
  ←[32mmake:middleware←[39m     Create a new middleware class
  ←[32mmake:migration←[39m      Create a new migration file
  ←[32mmake:model←[39m          Create a new Eloquent model class
  ←[32mmake:policy←[39m         Create a new policy class
  ←[32mmake:provider←[39m       Create a new service provider class
  ←[32mmake:request←[39m        Create a new form request class
  ←[32mmake:seeder←[39m         Create a new seeder class
  ←[32mmake:test←[39m           Create a new test class
  ←[32mmigrate:install←[39m     Create the migration repository
  ←[32mmigrate:refresh←[39m     Reset and re-run all migrations
  ←[32mmigrate:reset←[39m       Rollback all database migrations
  ←[32mmigrate:rollback←[39m    Rollback the last database migration
  ←[32mmigrate:status←[39m      Show the status of each migration
  ←[32mqueue:Failed←[39m        List all of the Failed queue jobs
  ←[32mqueue:Failed-table←[39m  Create a migration for the Failed queue jobs dat
abase table
  ←[32mqueue:flush←[39m         Flush all of the Failed queue jobs
  ←[32mqueue:forget←[39m        Delete a Failed queue job
  ←[32mqueue:listen←[39m        Listen to a given queue
  ←[32mqueue:restart←[39m       Restart queue worker daemons after their current
  ←[32mqueue:retry←[39m         Retry a Failed queue job
  ←[32mqueue:subscribe←[39m     Subscribe a URL to an push queue
  ←[32mqueue:table←[39m         Create a migration for the queue jobs database t
  ←[32mqueue:work←[39m          Process the next job on a queue
  ←[32mroute:cache←[39m         Create a route cache file for faster route regis
  ←[32mroute:clear←[39m         Remove the route cache file
  ←[32mroute:list←[39m          List all registered routes
  ←[32mschedule:run←[39m        Run the scheduled commands
  ←[32msession:table←[39m       Create a migration for the session database tabl
  ←[32mtracker:tables←[39m      Create the migrations for Tracker database table
s and columns
  ←[32mvendor:publish←[39m      Publish any publishable assets from vendor packa
  ←[32mview:clear←[39m          Clear all compiled view files

Reginaldo@Dell MINGW64 /c/dev/PHP/laravel/flamboyant (master)



