putty中的freebsd – tmux将边框显示为’qqqqq’或’xxxx’

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了putty中的freebsd – tmux将边框显示为’qqqqq’或’xxxx’前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
这篇文章类似于 thisthis,但是,没有腻子,边框可以正常显示.因此,我怀疑这是由旧版本的tmux引起的.

我正在运行FreeBSD 9.2-release和tmux 1.9a(最新的FreeBSD).



tmux FAQ

I use PuTTY and my tmux window pane separators are all qqqqqqqqq's!

PuTTY is using a character set translation that doesn’t support ACS line
drawing. With a Unicode font,try setting PuTTY to use a different translation
on the Window -> Translation configuration page. For example,change UTF-8 to
ISO-8859-1 or CP437. It may also be necessary to adjust the way PuTTY treats
line drawing characters in the lower part of the same configuration page.

话虽这么说,我使用tmux 1.8与PuTTY 0.62,“UTF-8翻译”,“Unicode线条绘制代码点”和en_US.utf8的远程区域设置完美正常.

