例如,我目前没有设置HISTSIZE和SAVEHIST,所以env | grep HIST并设置| grep HIST什么都没显示.那么我怎样才能看到正在使用的默认值?
为了帮助您列出作为变量实现的参数,有zsh /参数模块(zmodload zsh /参数加载它).它有一个关联数组$parameters,其中键是变量名,值是变量类型描述. HISTSIZE和SAVEHIST都显示为整数特殊. HISTCHARS在那里以标量特殊形式出现.请注意,RANDOM在这里只显示为HISTSIZE:integer-special,因此您不能使用它来获取用作选项的特殊变量.但是你可以随时使用man zshparam的SHELL部分使用的PARAMETERS.
# setopt | grep hist nobanghist extendedhistory histfcntllock histignorealldups histignorespace histnostore histreduceblanks histsavenodups histverify incappendhistory
If no arguments are supplied,the names of all options currently set are printed. The form is chosen so as to minimize the differences from the default options for the current emulation (the default
emulation being native zsh,shown as in zshoptions(1)). Options that are on by default for the emulation are shown with the prefix no only if they are off,while other options are shown without
the prefix no and only if they are on. In addition to options changed from the default state by the user,any options activated automatically by the shell (for example,SHIN_STDIN or INTERACTIVE) will
be shown in the list. The format is further modified by the option KSH_OPTION_PRINT,however the rationale for choosing options with or without the no prefix remains the same in this case.
# unsetopt | grep hist noappendhistory cshjunkiehistory histallowclobber nohistbeep histexpiredupsfirst histfindnodups histignoredups histlexwords histnofunctions nohistsavebycopy histsubstpattern sharehistory
If no arguments are supplied,the names of all options currently unset are printed.
# setopt kshoptionprint # setopt | grep hist noappendhistory off nobanghist on cshjunkiehistory off extendedhistory on histallowclobber off nohistbeep off histexpiredupsfirst off histfcntllock on histfindnodups off histignorealldups on histignoredups off histignorespace on histlexwords off histnofunctions off histnostore on histreduceblanks on nohistsavebycopy off histsavenodups on histsubstpattern off histverify on incappendhistory on sharehistory off