//static method invocation which are all extended from Facade class File::__callStatic(get,someArgs) //returns an instance of FileSystem File::resolveFacedeInstance('files') FileSystem->get(someArgs)
我在以下的方法File :: resolveFacadeInstance()下面的注释行中感到困惑:
protected static function resolveFacadeInstance($name) { if (is_object($name)) return $name; if (isset(static::$resolvedInstance[$name])) { return static::$resolvedInstance[$name]; } /** * The line that i'm confused about */ return static::$resolvedInstance[$name] = static::$app[$name]; }
>如何将File :: $app甚至初始化或在Facade类中分配一个值
>如果File :: get()是被调用的Facade
static :: $app [$name]会解决我觉得Application [‘files’]
或Application->文件,这些文件依次调用Application-> __ get(‘files’),因为Application类中没有文件属性.
public function __get($key) { return $this[$key]; }@H_404_25@
所以,你已经知道,通过__callStatic方法调用resolveFacadeInstance方法,通过Facade类和组件的Facade(即File extends Facade)扩展了Facade类.
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.PHP';
所以在这个(bootstrap / start.PHP)文件中,你可以看到一些代码
// the first line,initiate the application $app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application; // ... // ... // notice this line require $framework.'/Illuminate/Foundation/start.PHP'; // ... // last line return $app;
在这段代码片段中,需要$framework.’/ Illuminate / Foundation / start.PHP’;行开始执行Foundation / start.PHP文件,在这个文件中你可能会看到这样的东西
// ... Facade::clearResolvedInstances(); // Notice this line Facade::setFacadeApplication($app);
// support/Facades/Facade.PHP public static function setFacadeApplication($app) { static::$app = $app; }
然后在底部的Foundation / start.PHP文件中,您可以看到这样的东西
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Register The Core Service Providers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The Illuminate core service providers register all of the core pieces | of the Illuminate framework including session,caching,encryption | and more. It's simply a convenient wrapper for the registration. | */ $providers = $config['providers']; $app->getProviderRepository()->load($app,$providers); $app->boot();
/** * Register the service provider. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->app['files'] = $this->app->share(function() { return new Filesystem; }); }
那么在这种情况下,这个$this-> app [‘files’]设置(返回新的Filesystem)一个匿名函数,它在执行时返回文件系统
$this->app['files'] = $this->app->share(function() { return new Filesystem; });
到$app [‘files’]所以,当你调用File :: get()时,它最终调用匿名函数,在这种情况下,下面的行
return static::$resolvedInstance[$name] = static::$app[$name];
调用static :: $app [‘file’]的函数;并且此函数返回实例,但在返回之前,它将实例存储在$resolvedInstance变量中,因此,下一次它可以从变量返回实例,而不再重新调用匿名函数.
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