C++ 解析JSON一般使用jsoncpp,使用过jsoncpp的编程人员可能都知道它是一款非常轻量的程序,而且使用起来很方便,速度也非常的快。使用的人也很多。但是美中不足的是这款原始的JSONCPP竟然没有对long的支持。刚开始使用的时候由于它基本能满足我的要求,所以我也就没有深究,但是后面我发现在解析一些比较大的数据的时候会出现一些非常奇怪的现象,会有一些精度的损失,而很多人在解析比较大的数值的时候会退而求其次,使用value.asDouble()来获取它的值。但是事实上double的范围不足以保护所有的long值的范围,所以有些时候会出现一些异常现象。
enum ValueType { nullValue = 0,///< 'null' value intValue,///< signed integer value uintValue,///< unsigned integer value realValue,///< double value stringValue,///< UTF-8 string value booleanValue,///< bool value arrayValue,///< array value (ordered list) objectValue,///< object value (collection of name/value pairs). longValue,///< long value ulongValue };
2 添加long类型和unsigned long 类型的声明
typedef std::vector<std::string> Members; typedef ValueIterator iterator; typedef ValueConstIterator const_iterator; typedef Json::UInt UInt; typedef Json::Int Int; typedef Json::Long Long; typedef Json::ULong ULong; typedef UInt ArrayIndex;
3 设定maxLong,minLong,maxULong的大小说明,这些数值都是为了检测数据是否溢出用的。
static const Value null; static const Int minInt; static const Int maxInt; static const UInt maxUInt; static const Long maxLong; static const Long minLong; static const ULong maxULong;
static const Value null; static const Int minInt; static const Int maxInt; static const UInt maxUInt; static const Long maxLong; static const Long minLong; static const ULong maxULong;
4 修改decodeNumber函数,也就是当检测到该数值的大小超过了Int类型的大小之后马上转换到decodeLong数据类型中。
bool Reader::decodeNumber( Token &token ) { bool isDouble = false; for ( Location inspect = token.start_; inspect != token.end_; ++inspect ) { isDouble = isDouble || in( *inspect,'.','e','E','+' ) || ( *inspect == '-' && inspect != token.start_ ); } if ( isDouble ) return decodeDouble( token ); Location current = token.start_; bool isNegative = *current == '-'; if ( isNegative ) ++current; Value::UInt threshold = (isNegative ? Value::UInt(-Value::minInt) : Value::maxUInt) / 10; Value::UInt value = 0; while ( current < token.end_ ) { Char c = *current++; if ( c < '0' || c > '9' ) return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_,token.end_ ) + "' is not a number.",token ); if ( value >= threshold ) return decodeLong( token ); value = value * 10 + Value::UInt(c - '0'); } if ( isNegative ) currentValue() = -Value::Int( value ); else if ( value <= Value::UInt(Value::maxInt) ) currentValue() = Value::Int( value ); else currentValue() = value; return true; }
bool Reader::decodeLong(Json::Reader::Token &token) { Location current = token.start_; bool isNegative = *current == '-'; if ( isNegative ) ++current; Value::ULong threshold = (isNegative ? Value::Long(-Value::minLong) : Value::maxULong) / 10; Value::ULong value = 0; while ( current < token.end_ ) { Char c = *current++; if ( c < '0' || c > '9' ) return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_,token ); if ( value >= threshold ) return addError( "'" + std::string( token.start_,token.end_ ) + "' is too big for long.",token ); value = value * 10 + Value::UInt(c - '0'); } //9223372036854775807 if ( isNegative ) currentValue() = -Value::Long( value ); else if ( value <= Value::ULong(Value::maxLong) ) currentValue() = Value::Long( value ); else currentValue() = Value::ULong(value); return true; }
Value::Long Value::asLong() const { switch ( type_ ) { case nullValue: return 0; case intValue: return value_.int_; case uintValue: return value_.uint_; case realValue: JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= minLong && value_.real_ <= maxLong,"Real out of signed long range" ); return Long( value_.real_ ); case booleanValue: return value_.bool_ ? 1LL : 0LL; case longValue: return value_.long_; case ulongValue: JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.ulong_ < (unsigned)maxLong,"ulong out of signed long range" ); return Long(value_.ulong_); case stringValue: case arrayValue: case objectValue: JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false,"Type is not convertible to int" ); default: JSON_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE; } return 0; // unreachable; }
#include <string> #include "json/json.h" void readJson(); void writeJson(); int main(int argc,char** argv) { readJson(); writeJson(); return 0; } void readJson() { using namespace std; std::string strValue = "{\"intValue\":4,\"name\":\"json\",\"array\":[{\"cpp\":\"jsoncpp\"},{\"java\":\"jsoninjava\"},{\"PHP\":\"support\"}]}"; { "longValue":44444444444444444,"name":"json","array":[{"cpp":"jsoncpp"},{"PHP":"support"}] } Json::Reader reader; Json::Value value; if (reader.parse(strValue,value)) { cout<<ULONG_LONG_MAX<<endl; unsigned long long intValue = value["intValue"].asULong(); cout<<intValue<<endl; std::string out = value["name"].asString(); std::cout << out << std::endl; const Json::Value arrayObj = value["array"]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arrayObj.size(); i++) { if (!arrayObj[i].isMember("cpp")) continue; out = arrayObj[i]["cpp"].asString(); std::cout << out; if (i != (arrayObj.size() - 1)) std::cout << std::endl; } } else{ cout<<reader.getFormatedErrorMessages()<<endl;; } } void writeJson() { using namespace std; Json::Value root; Json::Value arrayObj; Json::Value item; item["cpp"] = "jsoncpp"; item["java"] = "jsoninjava"; item["PHP"] = "support"; arrayObj.append(item); Json::Value item2; item2["longValue"] = LONG_LONG_MAX-10; item2["neg_longValue"] = LONG_LONG_MIN+20; item2["ulongValue"] = ULONG_LONG_MAX -10; arrayObj.append(item2); root["name"] = "json"; root["array"] = arrayObj; root.toStyledString(); std::string out = root.toStyledString(); std::cout << out << std::endl; }