PaperCut print script API reference
如果作业为50页,则将其从HP重定向到较大的复印机.在这种情况下,从test_printer3到Copier – Color.
* Redirect large jobs without confirmation
* Users printing jobs larger than the defined number of pages have their jobs
* automatically redirected to another printer or virtual queue.
* This can be used to redirect large jobs from slower or high cost printers
* to more efficient or faster high volume printers.
function printJobHook(inputs,actions) {
* This print hook will need access to all job details
* so return if full job analysis is not yet complete.
* The only job details that are available before analysis
* are Metadata such as username,printer name,and date.
* See reference documentation for full explanation.
* NOTE: The high-volume printer must be compatible with the source printer.
* i.e. use the same printer language like PCL or Postscript.
* If this is a virtual queue,all printers in the queue must use
* the same printer language.
if (!inputs.job.isAnalysisComplete) {
// No job details yet so return.
if (inputs.job.totalPages < 10) {
// Charge to the firm non-bill account
// Account Selection will still show
var LIMIT = 5; // Redirect jobs over 5 pages.
var HIGH_VOL_PRINTER = "Copier - Color";
if (inputs.job.totalPages > LIMIT) {
* Specify actions.job.bypassReleaseQueue() if you wish to bypass the release queue
* on the original printer the job was sent to. (Otherwise if held at the target,* the job will need to be released from two different queues before it will print.)
* Job is larger than our page limit,so redirect to high-volume printer,* and send a message to the user.
* Specify "allowHoldAtTarget":true to allow the job to be held at the hold/release
* queue for the high-volume printer,if one is defined.
actions.job.redirect(HIGH_VOL_PRINTER,{allowHoldAtTarget: true});
// Notify the user that the job was automatically redirected.
"The print job was over " + LIMIT + " pages and was sent to "
+ " printer: " + HIGH_VOL_PRINTER + ".");
// Record that the job was redirected in the application log.
actions.log.info("Large job redirected from printer '" + inputs.job.printerName
+ "' to printer '" + HIGH_VOL_PRINTER + "'.");
* Redirect large jobs without confirmation
* Users printing jobs larger than the defined number of pages have their jobs
* automatically redirected to another printer or virtual queue.
* This can be used to redirect large jobs from slower or high cost printers
* to more efficient or faster high volume printers.
function printJobHook(inputs,actions) {
* This print hook will need access to all job details
* so return if full job analysis is not yet complete.
* The only job details that are available before analysis
* are Metadata such as username,and date.
* See reference documentation for full explanation.
* NOTE: The high-volume printer must be compatible with the source printer.
* i.e. use the same printer language like PCL or Postscript.
* If this is a virtual queue,all printers in the queue must use
* the same printer language.
var LIMIT = 5; // Redirect jobs over 5 pages.
var HIGH_VOL_PRINTER = "Copier - Color";
if (!inputs.job.isAnalysisComplete) {
return;// No job details yet so return.
//Charge jobs with less than 10 pages to non-bill account
if (inputs.job.totalPages < 10) {
// Charge to the firm non-bill account
else //Charge jobs with more than 10 pages to the personal account
if (inputs.job.totalPages > LIMIT) {
* Specify actions.job.bypassReleaseQueue() if you wish to bypass the release queue
* on the original printer the job was sent to. (Otherwise if held at the target,* the job will need to be released from two different queues before it will print.)
* Job is larger than our page limit,* and send a message to the user.
* Specify "allowHoldAtTarget":true to allow the job to be held at the hold/release
* queue for the high-volume printer,if one is defined.
actions.job.redirect(HIGH_VOL_PRINTER,{allowHoldAtTarget: true});
// Notify the user that the job was automatically redirected.
"The print job was over " + LIMIT + " pages and was sent to "
+ " printer: " + HIGH_VOL_PRINTER + ".");
// Record that the job was redirected in the application log.
actions.log.info("Large job redirected from printer '" + inputs.job.printerName
+ "' to printer '" + HIGH_VOL_PRINTER + "'.");