可使用jQuery Actual Plugin插件来完成,其源码如下:
The jQuery method "' + method + '" you called does not exist';
var defaults = {
absolute : false,clone : false,includeMargin : false,display : 'block'
var configs = $.extend( defaults,options );
var $target = this.eq( 0 );
var fix,restore;
if( configs.clone === true ){
fix = function (){
var style = 'position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; ';
// this is useful with css3pie
$target = $target.
attr( 'style',style ).
appendTo( 'body' );
restore = function (){
// remove DOM element after getting the width
var tmp = [];
var style = '';
var $hidden;
fix = function (){
// get all hidden parents
$hidden = $target.parents().addBack().filter( ':hidden' );
style += 'visibility: hidden !important; display: ' + configs.display + ' !important; ';
if( configs.absolute === true ) style += 'position: absolute !important; ';
// save the origin style props
// set the hidden el css to be got the actual value later
$hidden.each( function (){
// Save original style. If no style was set,attr() returns undefined
var $this = $( this );
var thisStyle = $this.attr( 'style' );
tmp.push( thisStyle );
// Retain as much of the original style as possible,if there is one
$this.attr( 'style',thisStyle ? thisStyle + ';' + style : style );
restore = function (){
// restore origin style values
$hidden.each( function ( i ){
var $this = $( this );
var _tmp = tmp[ i ];
if( _tmp === undefined ){
$this.removeAttr( 'style' );
$this.attr( 'style',_tmp );
// get the actual value with user specific methed
// it can be 'width','height','outerWidth','innerWidth'... etc
// configs.includeMargin only works for 'outerWidth' and 'outerHeight'
var actual = /(outer)/.test( method ) ?
$target method :
$target[ method ]();
// IMPORTANT,this plugin only return the value of the first element
return actual;