The view is not updated in AngularJS,但我仍然无法理解如何将它应用于我的简单示例.
function MyPageView($scope) { var myModel = new MyModel(); $scope.myModel = myModel; }@H_301_2@当myModel在代码中的其他位置更新时(当用户点击,交互,发送XHR请求时),它不会更新我的视图.我知道我需要用$apply做点什么,但我不知道在哪里以及如何做. @H_301_2@有人可以向我解释如何为这个简单的用例解决这个问题? @H_301_2@我的模型看起来像这样(如果问题是必要的) – 它内部没有AngularJS代码:
var MyModel = function() { var _this = this; ... _this.load = function(){...}; _this.updateModel = function(){...}; ... return _this; }@H_301_2@添加JSfiddle示例:http://jsfiddle.net/DAk8r/2/
<div ng-controller="myModelCtrl"> <div>Number is {{myModel.number}}</div> <a ng-click="myModel.updateNumber()">Update Number</a> </div>
function myModelCtrl($scope) { var myModel = new MyModel(); $scope.myModel = myModel; } function MyModel() { var _this = this; _this.number = 0; _this.updateNumber = function() { _this.number += 1; alert('new number should display ' + _this.number); } return _this; }@H_301_2@请注意,我们使用Angular的内置ng-click指令,而不是使用jQuery设置手动点击处理程序.这允许我们绑定到Angular范围生命周期,并在用户单击链接时正确更新视图. @H_301_2@这是AngularJS FAQ的报价;我加粗了一个可能帮助你打破习惯的部分.
@H_301_2@最后,在这个例子中,使用这种技术:http://jsfiddle.net/BinaryMuse/xFULR/1/Common Pitfalls
@H_301_2@The Angular support channel (#angularjs on Freenode) sees a number of recurring pitfalls that new users of Angular fall into. This document aims to point them out before you discover them the hard way.DOM Manipulation
@H_301_2@Stop trying to use jQuery to modify the DOM in controllers. Really. That includes adding elements,removing elements,retrieving their contents,showing and hiding them. Use built-in directives,or write your own where necessary,to do your DOM manipulation. See below about duplicating functionality. @H_301_2@If you’re struggling to break the habit,consider removing jQuery from your app. Really. Angular has the $http service and powerful directives that make it almost always unnecessary. Angular’s bundled jQLite has a handful of the features most commonly used in writing Angular directives,especially binding to events.