function MyPageView($scope) { var myModel = new MyModel(); $scope.myModel = myModel; }
我的模型看起来像这样(如果问题是必要的) – 它内部没有AngularJS代码:
var MyModel = function() { var _this = this; ... _this.load = function(){...}; _this.updateModel = function(){...}; ... return _this; }
<div ng-controller="myModelCtrl"> <div>Number is {{myModel.number}}</div> <a ng-click="myModel.updateNumber()">Update Number</a> </div>
function myModelCtrl($scope) { var myModel = new MyModel(); $scope.myModel = myModel; } function MyModel() { var _this = this; _this.number = 0; _this.updateNumber = function() { _this.number += 1; alert('new number should display ' + _this.number); } return _this; }
这是AngularJS FAQ的报价;我加粗了一个可能帮助你打破习惯的部分.
Common Pitfalls
The Angular support channel (#angularjs on Freenode) sees a number of recurring pitfalls that new users of Angular fall into. This document aims to point them out before you discover them the hard way.
DOM Manipulation
Stop trying to use jQuery to modify the DOM in controllers. Really. That includes adding elements,removing elements,retrieving their contents,showing and hiding them. Use built-in directives,or write your own where necessary,to do your DOM manipulation. See below about duplicating functionality.
If you’re struggling to break the habit,consider removing jQuery from your app. Really. Angular has the $http service and powerful directives that make it almost always unnecessary. Angular’s bundled jQLite has a handful of the features most commonly used in writing Angular directives,especially binding to events.