我正在阅读How to build a Collection/Model from nested JSON with Backbone.js,但对我来说仍然有点不清楚.
根据我在Backbone.js Collection of Collections和Backbone.js Collection of Collections Issue的理解,它看起来像这样?
var Comments = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults : { _id : "",text : "",author : "" } }) var CommentsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model : Comments }) var Posts = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults : { _id : "",author : "",status : "",comments : new CommentsCollection } }) var PostsCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model : Posts })
{ "posts" : [ { "_id": "50f5f5d4014e045f000002","author": { "name" : "Chris Crawford","photo" : "http://example.com/photo.jpg" },"status": "This is a sample message.","comments": [ { "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46844","text": "This is the content of the comment.","author": "Bob Hope" },{ "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46845",{ ... } ] },{ "_id": "50f5f5d4014e045f000003","status": "This is another sample message.","comments": [ { "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46846",{ "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46847",{ ... } ]}
Posts Comments
Post Comment Author
Main collection -- Posts collection (Which contains list of Post Models)
2nd – 作者属性,可以放在单独的模型(Authod模型)中.
3rd – 每个帖子模型的评论集合.
From my understanding I have to override the parse.
Is this bad standards / is there a better JSON structure I should use?
Would it be better to keep it as flat as possible?
所以我解决这个问题的方法是在Post Model中编写parse方法来处理响应,并将作者模型和Comments集合直接附加在Model上,而不是模型上的属性,以保持属性hash clean包含1st发布数据的级别.从长远来看,我认为这将更清洁,更具可扩展性.
var postsObject = [{ "_id": "50f5f5d4014e045f000002","author": { "name": "Chris Crawford","photo": "http://example.com/photo.jpg" },"comments": [{ "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46844","author": "Bob Hope" },{ "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46845","author": "Bob Hope" }] },{ "_id": "50f5f5d4014e045f000003","author": { "name": "Brown Robert","comments": [{ "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46846",{ "_id": "5160eacbe4b020ec56a46847","author": "Bob Hope" }] }]; // Comment Model var Comment = Backbone.Model.extend({ idAttribute: '_id',defaults: { text: "",author: "" } }); // Comments collection var Comments = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Comment }); // Author Model var Author = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { text: "",author: "" } }); // Post Model var Post = Backbone.Model.extend({ idAttribute: '_id',defaults: { author: "",status: "" },parse: function (resp) { // Create a Author model on the Post Model this.author = new Author(resp.author || null,{ parse: true }); // Delete from the response object as the data is // alredy available on the model delete resp.author; // Create a comments objecton model // that will hold the comments collection this.comments = new Comments(resp.comments || null,{ parse: true }); // Delete from the response object as the data is // alredy available on the model delete resp.comments; // return the response object return resp; } }) // Posts Collection var Posts = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Post }); var PostsListView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: "#container",renderPostView: function(post) { // Create a new postView var postView = new PostView({ model : post }); // Append it to the container this.$el.append(postView.el); postView.render(); },render: function () { var thisView = this; // Iterate over each post Model _.each(this.collection.models,function (post) { // Call the renderPostView method thisView.renderPostView(post); }); } }); var PostView = Backbone.View.extend({ className: "post",template: _.template($("#post-template").html()),renderComments: function() { var commentsListView = new CommentsListView({ // Comments collection on the Post Model collection : this.model.comments,// Pass the container to which it is to be appended el : $('.comments',this.$el) }); commentsListView.render(); },render: function () { this.$el.empty(); // Extend the object toi contain both Post attributes // and also the author attributes this.$el.append(this.template(_.extend(this.model.toJSON(),this.model.author.toJSON() ))); // Render the comments for each Post this.renderComments(); } }); var CommentsListView = Backbone.View.extend({ renderCommentView: function(comment) { // Create a new CommentView var commentView = new CommentView({ model : comment }); // Append it to the comments ul that is part // of the view this.$el.append(commentView.el); commentView.render(); },render: function () { var thisView = this; // Iterate over each Comment Model _.each(this.collection.models,function (comment) { // Call the renderCommentView method thisView.renderCommentView(comment); }); } }); var CommentView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: "li",className: "comment",template: _.template($("#comment-template").html()),render: function () { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); } }); // Create a posts collection var posts = new Posts(postsObject,{parse: true}); // Pass it to the PostsListView var postsListView = new PostsListView({ collection: posts }); // Render the view postsListView.render();