(function() { var MAX_ITER_COUNT,Q,iterCount,maxMem,noop,qDoit,test; Q = require("q"); iterCount = 0; MAX_ITER_COUNT = 10 * 1000; maxMem = 0; noop = function() {}; qDoit = function() { var currentMem; currentMem = Math.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024); if (currentMem > maxMem) { maxMem = currentMem; } console.log("" + iterCount + " - memory is: " + currentMem + "/" + maxMem + " MB"); return Q(10).then(function() { throw new Error("X"); }); }; test = function() { if (iterCount++ > MAX_ITER_COUNT) { console.log("DONE"); return; } // ---- If I uncomment the done() call below the leak goes away ---- return qDoit()["finally"](function() { return setImmediate(test); }) //.done(noop,noop); }; Q.onerror = function() {}; test(); }).call(this);