.service('BaseImageService',['$q','ApiHandler','UploadService',function ($q,api,uploadService) { // Get our api path var apiPath = 'logos'; // Creates our logo var _createlogo = function (model) { // Handle our uploads return _handleUploads(model).then(function () { // Create our logo return api.post(apiPath,model); }); }; // Edit our logo var _editlogo = function (model) { // Handle our uploads return _handleUploads(model).then(function () { // Create our logo return api.put(apiPath,model); }); }; // Handles our files var _handleUploads = function (model) { // Create a promises array var promises = []; // Get our file var file = model.file,old = model.old; // If we have a file if (file) { // Try to upload the file promises.push(uploadService.upload(model.file).then(function (response) { // Update our model model.path = response.path; model.thumbnail = response.thumbnail; })); // If we have an old model if (old) { // Delete both our files promises.push(uploadService.delete(old.path)); promises.push(uploadService.delete(old.thumbnail)); } } // After all promises have completed return $q.all(promises); }; // Create our service var service = { // Update our api path updateApiPath: function (path) { // Set the api path apiPath = path; },// Gets a list of logos list: function (t) { if (t) { console.log(apiPath); } // Get our logo return api.get(apiPath); },// Get a single logo get: function (id) { // Get our logo return api.get(apiPath,{ id: id }); },// Create our logo save: function (model) { // If we are editing if (model.id) { // Edit our logo return _editlogo(model); // If we are creating } else { // Create our logo return _createlogo(model); } },// Deletes our logo delete: function (id) { // Delete our logo return api.delete(apiPath,// Prepare for editing prepareForEditing: function (model) { // Create our old object model.old = { path: model.path,thumbnail: model.thumbnail }; } }; // Return our service return service; }])
.service('ImageService',['BaseImageService',function (baseService) { // Get our api path var apiPath = 'images'; // Update the apiPath baseService.updateApiPath(apiPath); // Return our service return baseService; }]) .service('logoService',function (baseService) { // Get our api path var apiPath = 'logos'; // Update the apiPath baseService.updateApiPath(apiPath); // Return our service return baseService; }]) .service('PlayerTextService',function (baseService) { // Get our api path var apiPath = 'playerText'; // Update the apiPath baseService.updateApiPath(apiPath); // Return our service return baseService; }])
AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory
请注意,这些概念基于AngularJS 1,如果您希望稍后使用AngularJS 2,则需要以不同方式处理.