function getMouse(e) { var element = canvas,offsetX = 0,offsetY = 0; if (element.offsetParent) { do { offsetX += element.offsetLeft; offsetY += element.offsetTop; } while ((element = element.offsetParent)); } mx = (e.pageX - offsetX) - LINE_WIDTH; my =( e.pageY - offsetY )- LINE_WIDTH; } function mouseDown(e){ getMouse(e); clear(fctx); var l = lines.length; for (var i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { draw(fctx,lines[i]); var imageData = fctx.getImageData(mx,my,1,1); if ([3] > 0) { selectedObject = lines[i]; isDrag = true; canvas.onmousemove = drag; clear(fctx); } } } function mouseUp(){ isDrag = false; } canvas.onmousedown = mouseDown; canvas.onmouseup = mouseUp; canvas.addEventListener('touchstart',mouseDown,false); canvas.addEventListener('touchend',mouseUp,false);
与鼠标事件不同,触摸事件涉及与UI的许多接触点.为了适应这种情况,触摸事件提供了一系列接触点.由于鼠标不能同时在两个地方,因此应该分别处理两种交互方法以获得最佳用户体验. OP因为您没有询问有关检测设备是触摸还是鼠标驱动的问题,我已将其留给另一个人询问.
该代码使用MouseEvent对象来创建和分派事件.它使用简单,事件与真正的鼠标事件无法区分.有关MouseEvents goto MDN MouseEvent的详细说明
var event = new MouseEvent( "click",{'view': window,'bubbles': true,'cancelable': true}); document.dispatchEvent(event);
document.getElementById("someButton").addEventListener(function(event){ // your code ));
触摸事件与鼠标类似.有touchstart,touchmove和touchend.它们的不同之处在于它们提供了一系列位置,每个接触点都有一个项目.不确定最大值是什么,但对于这个答案我们只对一个感兴趣.有关详细信息,请参阅MDN touchEvent.
function touchEventHandler(event){ if (event.touches.length > 1){ // Ignor multi touch events return; } }
touch = event.changedTouches[0]; // get the position information if(type === "touchmove"){ mouseEventType = "mousemove"; // get the name of the mouse event // this touch will emulate }else if(type === "touchstart"){ mouseEventType = "mousedown"; // mouse event to create }else if(type === "touchend"){ mouseEventType = "mouseup"; // ignore mouse up if click only } var mouseEvent = new MouseEvent( // create event mouseEventType,// type of event { 'view':,'cancelable': true,'screenX':touch.screenX,// get the touch coords 'screenY':touch.screenY,// and add them to the 'clientX':touch.clientX,// mouse event 'clientY':touch.clientY,}); // send it to the same target as the touch event contact point.;
到目前为止一切都很好但是缺少一个鼠标事件,这也是必需的. “onClick”我不确定是否存在等效的触摸事件,并且正如我所看到的那样,我们必须决定是否可以将一组触摸事件视为点击.
这将取决于开始和结束触摸事件的距离,超过几个像素和它的拖动.它还取决于多长时间. (虽然与鼠标不同)我发现人们倾向于点击,而鼠标可以被保持,代替释放上的构造,或者拖走取消,这不是人们使用触摸界面的方式.
所以我记录了touchStart事件发生的时间. event.timeStamp及其开始的位置.然后在touchEnd事件中,我找到它移动的距离和时间.如果它们都在我设置的限制之下,我还会生成鼠标单击事件以及鼠标按下事件.
// _______ _ // |__ __| | | // _ __ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___| | ___ _ _ ___| |__ // | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| | | / __|/ _ \ |/ _ \| | | |/ __| '_ \ // | | | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \ __/ | (_) | |_| | (__| | | | // |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/\___|_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_| |_| // // // Demonstration of a simple mouse emulation API using touch events. // Using touch to simulate a mouse. // Keeping it clean with touchMouse the only pubic reference. // See Usage instructions at bottom. var touchMouse = (function(){ "use strict"; var timeStart,touchStart,mouseTouch,listeningElement,hypot; mouseTouch = {}; // the public object // public properties. mouseTouch.clickRadius = 3; // if touch start and end within 3 pixels then may be a click mouseTouch.clickTime = 200; // if touch start and end in under this time in ms then may be a click mouseTouch.generateClick = true; // if true simulates onClick event // if false only generate mousedown,mousemove,and mouseup mouseTouch.clickOnly = false; // if true on generate click events mouseTouch.status = "Started."; // just for debugging // ES6 new math function // not sure the extent of support for Math.hypot so hav simple poly fill if(typeof Math.hypot === 'function'){ hypot = Math.hypot; }else{ hypot = function(x,y){ // Untested return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)+Math.pow(y,2)); }; } // Use the new API and MouseEvent object function triggerMouseEvemt(type,fromTouch,fromEvent){ var mouseEvent = new MouseEvent( type,{ 'view':,'screenX':fromTouch.screenX,'screenY':fromTouch.screenY,'clientX':fromTouch.clientX,'clientY':fromTouch.clientY,'offsetX':fromTouch.clientX,// this is for old Chrome 'offsetY':fromTouch.clientY,'ctrlKey':fromEvent.ctrlKey,'altKey':fromEvent.altKey,'shiftKey':fromEvent.shiftKey,'MetaKey':fromEvent.MetaKey,'button':0,'buttons':1,}); // to do. // dispatch returns cancelled you will have to // add code here if needed; } // touch listener. Listens to Touch start,move and end. // dispatches mouse events as needed. Also sends a click event // if click falls within supplied thresholds and conditions function emulateMouse(event) { var type,time,touch,isClick,mouseEventType,x,y,dx,dy,dist; event.preventDefault(); // stop any default happenings interfering type = event.type ; // the type. // ignore multi touch input if (event.touches.length > 1){ if(touchStart !== undefined){ // don't leave the mouse down triggerMouseEvent("mouseup",event.changedTouches[0],event); } touchStart = undefined; return; } mouseEventType = ""; isClick = false; // default no click // check for each event type I have the most numorus move event first,Good practice to always think about the efficancy for conditional coding. if(type === "touchmove" && !mouseTouch.clickOnly){ // touchMove touch = event.changedTouches[0]; mouseEventType = "mousemove"; // not much to do just move the mouse }else if(type === "touchstart"){ touch = touchStart = event.changedTouches[0]; // save the touch start for dist check timeStart = event.timeStamp; // save the start time mouseEventType = !mouseTouch.clickOnly?"mousedown":""; // mouse event to create }else if(type === "touchend"){ // end check time and distance touch = event.changedTouches[0]; mouseEventType = !mouseTouch.clickOnly?"mouseup":""; // ignore mouse up if click only // if click generator active if(touchStart !== undefined && mouseTouch.generateClick){ time = event.timeStamp - timeStart; // how long since touch start // if time is right if(time < mouseTouch.clickTime){ // get the distance from the start touch dx = touchStart.clientX-touch.clientX; dy = touchStart.clientY-touch.clientY; dist = hypot(dx,dy); if(dist < mouseTouch.clickRadius){ isClick = true; } } } } // send mouse basic events if any if(mouseEventType !== ""){ // send the event triggerMouseEvent(mouseEventType,event); } // if a click also generates a mouse click event if(isClick){ // generate mouse click triggerMouseEvent("click",event); } } // remove events function removeTouchEvents(){ listeningElement.removeEventListener("touchstart",emulateMouse); listeningElement.removeEventListener("touchend",emulateMouse); listeningElement.removeEventListener("touchmove",emulateMouse); listeningElement = undefined; } // start adds listeners and makes it all happen. // element is optional and will default to document. // or will Listen to element. function startTouchEvents(element){ if(listeningElement !== undefined){ // untested // throws to stop cut and past useage of this example code. // Overwriting the listeningElement can result in a memory leak. // You can remove this condition block and it will work // BUT IT IS NOT RECOGMENDED throw new ReferanceError("touchMouse says!!!! API limits functionality to one element."); } if(element === undefined){ element = document; } listeningElement = element; listeningElement.addEventListener("touchstart",emulateMouse); listeningElement.addEventListener("touchend",emulateMouse); listeningElement.addEventListener("touchmove",emulateMouse); } // add the start event to public object. mouseTouch.start = startTouchEvents; // stops event listeners and remove them from the DOM mouseTouch.stop = removeTouchEvents; return mouseTouch; })(); // How to use touchMouse.start(); // done using defaults will emulate mouse on the entier page // For one element and only clicks // HTML <input value="touch click me" id="touchButton" type="button"></input> // Script var el = document.getElementById("touchButton"); if(el !== null){ touchMouse.clickOnly = true; touchMouse.start(el); } // For drawing on a canvas <canvas id="touchCanvas"></canvas> // script var el = document.getElementById("touchButton"); if(el !== null){ touchMouse.generateClick = false; // no mouse clicks please touchMouse.start(el); } // For switching elements call stop then call start on the new element // warning touchMouse retained a reference to the element you // pass it with start. Dereferencing touchMouse will not delete it. // Once you have called start you must call stop in order to delete it. // API //--------------------------------------------------------------- // To dereference call the stop method if you have called start . Then dereference touchMouse // Example touchMouse.stop(); touchMouse = undefined; // Methods. //--------------------------------------------------------------- // touchMouse.start(element); // element optional. Element is the element to attach listeners to. // Calling start a second time without calling stop will // throw a reference error. This is to stop memory leaks. // YOU Have been warned... // touchMouse.stop(); // removes listeners and dereferences any DOM objects held //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Properties // mouseTouch.clickRadius = 3; // Number. Default 3. If touch start and end within 3 pixels then may be a click // mouseTouch.clickTime = 200; // Number. Default 200. If touch start and end in under this time in ms then may be a click // mouseTouch.generateClick; // Boolean. Default true. If true simulates onClick event // // if false only generate mousedown,and mouseup // mouseTouch.clickOnly; // Boolean. Default false. If true only generate click events Default false // mouseTouch.status; // String. Just for debugging kinda pointless really.