touch = ("ontouchstart" in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch; eventType = (touch) ? "touchend" : "click";
然而不幸的是,当使用运行OS 6.0的Blackberry 9300访问该页面时,其错误地报告为启用触摸的设备并且事件不会触发.
Unfortunately,we had a build system issue during BlackBerry 6.0 that caused builds to have WebKit touch support enabled,even for non-touch devices. It’s long been fixed,but some public builds do have this issue.
在github / Modernizr上查看这些(当前打开的)门票,了解可能的解决方法和最新的检测代码,然后根据需要尝试更改插件.如果下面的最新检测代码不起作用,您可能需要专门检测黑莓.
同时检查this touch test,browsercope选项卡表示黑莓9000已被检测为false,因此值得一试在您的设备中进行测试.
/* * The Modernizr.touch test only indicates if the browser supports * touch events,which does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen * device,as evidenced by tablets running Windows 7 or,alas,* the Palm Pre / WebOS (touch) phones. * * Additionally,Chrome (desktop) used to lie about its support on this,* but that has since been rectified: * * We also test for Firefox 4 Multitouch Support. * * For more info,see: */ tests['touch'] = function() { var bool; if(('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) { bool = true; } else { injectElementWithStyles(['@media (',prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('),mod,')','{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join(''),function( node ) { bool = node.offsetTop === 9; }); } return bool; };
BlackBerry / PlayBook UA嗅探
要使用用户代理字符串专门检测BlackBerry设备并借鉴here和here给出的解决方案,我启动了这个小功能,您可以在,live测试并查看jsbin的工作,它应该解析Blackberry 5.0 / 4.0 / 6.0和Playbook来自用户代理字符串:
function rim_useragent_parser(ua) { var info = false,model = null,model_number = null,os_version = null; if (ua.indexOf("BlackBerry") >= 0) { if (ua.indexOf("Version/") >= 0) { // BlackBerry 6 and 7 model = ua.match(/BlackBerry\s[0-9]*/); if (model) { model_number = model[0].match(/[0-9]+/); pos = ua.indexOf("Version/") + 8; os_version = ua.substring(pos,pos + 3); info = { 'model' : model[0],'model_number' : model_number[0],'os_version' : os_version }; } } else { // BlackBerry Device Software 4.2 to 5.0 model = ua.match(/^BlackBerry[0-9]*/); if (model) { model_number = model[0].match(/[0-9]+/); var SplitUA = ua.split("/"); os_version = SplitUA[1].substring(0,3); info = { 'model' : model[0],'os_version' : os_version }; } } } else if (ua.indexOf("PlayBook") >= 0) { // PlayBook model = ua.match(/RIM Tablet OS\s[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]/); if (model) { model_number = model[0].match(/[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]/); pos = ua.indexOf("Version/") + 8; os_version = ua.substring(pos,pos + 5); info = { 'model' : model[0],'os_version' : os_version }; } } return info; }
当然,你可能需要将它简化为“Blackberry 9300 6.0”,我想你也可以这样做:
var ua = navigator.userAgent; if (ua.indexOf("BlackBerry") >= 0) { if (ua.indexOf("Version/") >= 0) { // BlackBerry 6 and 7 var model = ua.match(/BlackBerry\s[0-9]*/); if (model) { var model_number = model[0].match(/[0-9]+/); if (model_number) model_number = model_number[0]; pos = ua.indexOf("Version/") + 8; os_version = ua.substring(pos,pos + 3); if (os_version === '6.0' && model_number === '9300') { // do what you need specifically for this } } } }