javascript检测一个有意的额外顶部/底部滚动. $(window).scrollTop()和window.pageYOffset没用,因为它们停在Top 0,我想达到类似top -X的东西.对于底部,假设我的文档高度为500,底部就像底部5XX.
$(window).scroll(function(){ if(intentionalScrollTop){ // Do something }else if(intentionalScrollDown){ // Do something } });
$(document).ready(function(){ var at_Top=true; var at_Bottom=false; var prevIoUs_scrolled; var triggerTime=0; var scroll_dir=false; // false=>Down true=>up var scrolled_bottom = $("body").height() - $(window).height(); var animationDelay = 300; var animationTimeout = 350; //Max delay between 2 triggers is 1 sec. //So keep this value under 400ms //Because one complete animation is 300ms+350ms+300ms. //To have longer animation delays,add time to the triggerDelay var triggerDelay=0; // You can add more delay to allow the next trigger (in seconds). $(window).scroll(function(){ var scrolled=$(window).scrollTop(); // Reached the top? if(scrolled==0){ at_Top=true; }else{ at_Top=false; } // Reached the bottom? if(scrolled==scrolled_bottom){ at_Bottom=true; }else{ at_Bottom=false; } // Scroll direction if( $(this).scrollTop() > prevIoUs_scrolled ){ scroll_dir=false; //scroll down }else{ scroll_dir=true; //scroll up } // Keep prevIoUs scrollTop position in memory prevIoUs_scrolled = $(this).scrollTop(); animationTrigger(); }); function animationTrigger(){ if(at_Top && scroll_dir){ console.log("Scrolling when at top."); $("#wrapper").stop().animate({"margin-top":"3em"},animationDelay); setTimeout(function(){ $("#wrapper").stop().animate({"margin-top":0},animationDelay); },animationTimeout); clearTimeout(clearConsole); var clearConsole = setTimeout(function(){ console.clear(); },3000); } if(at_Bottom && !scroll_dir){ console.log("Scrolling when at bottom.") $("#header").stop().animate({"height":0},animationDelay); $("#footer-spacer").stop().animate({"height":"3em"},animationDelay); setTimeout(function(){ $("#header").stop().animate({"height":"3em"},animationDelay); $("#footer-spacer").stop().animate({"height":0},3000); } } // KEYBOARD ARROWS UP/DOWN AND PAGE UP/DOWN SCROLLING $(window).on("keydown",function(e){ //console.log(e.which); if( (e.which==38) || (e.which==33) ){ // Arrow up or Page up scroll_dir=true; } if( (e.which==40) || (e.which==34) ){ // Arrow down or Page down scroll_dir=false; } // Limit triggers to 1 per second... Because when holding a key down for long,it triggers too fast... var thisSecond = new Date().getSeconds() if( (triggerTime != thisSecond) || (triggerTime < (thisSecond - triggerDelay) ) ){ animationTrigger(); triggerTime=thisSecond; } }) // WHEEL SCROLLING // Inspired from this SO answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7309786/2159528 //Firefox $(window).bind('DOMMouseScroll',function(e){ var scrolled2=$(window).scrollTop(); if(e.originalEvent.detail > 0) { scroll_dir=false; //scroll down //console.log("down"); }else { scroll_dir=true; //scroll up //console.log("up"); } // Limit triggers to 1 per second... Because wheel turns quite fast. var thisSecond = new Date().getSeconds() if( (triggerTime != thisSecond) || (triggerTime < (thisSecond - triggerDelay) ) ){ animationTrigger(); triggerTime=thisSecond; } }); //IE,Opera,Safari $(window).bind('mousewheel',function(e){ if(e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) { scroll_dir=false; //scroll down }else { scroll_dir=true; //scroll up } // Limit triggers to 1 per second... Because wheel turns quite fast. var thisSecond = new Date().getSeconds() if( (triggerTime != thisSecond) || (triggerTime < (thisSecond - triggerDelay) ) ){ animationTrigger(); triggerTime=thisSecond; } }); }); // End Document.ready
body,wrapper{ padding:0; margin:0; height:100; } #page{ height:1500px; width:100%; } #header,#footer{ height:3em; padding:0.5em; background-color:cyan; } #content{ height:calc(100% - 8em); /* -8em for header and footer... (height: 3em + padding: 2x 0,5em) */ padding:0 0.5em; overflow:hidden; } #footer-spacer{ height:0px; }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="page"> <div id="header"> This is the page's top </div> <div id="content"> <h1>Scroll this page to see the overscroll effect at top and bottom</h1> <br> <ul> <li>using the mouse wheel</li> <li>keyboard arrows</li> <li>keyboard page up/down</li> </ul> <br> <br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> Content...<br> </div> <div id="footer"> This is the page's bottom </div> <div id="footer-spacer"></div> </div> </div>
所以在这种情况下,我将“内容”定义为height:calc(100% – 8em)(页眉和页脚都有高度:3em和填充:0.5em)只是为了确保包装器100%填充.动画的空div在页脚下…当它的高度从0em到3em时,它通过向上推动页脚来创建过度滚动“幻觉”.