我正在尝试编写一个单元测试,断言正确的变量从Angular-UI Bootstrap组件发送到ui.bootstrap.modal的resolve属性.这是我到目前为止:
// Controller angular.module('app') .controller('WorkflowListCtrl',function ($scope,$modal) { // Setup the edit callback to open a modal $scope.edit = function(name) { var modalInstance = $modal.open({ templateUrl: 'partials/editWorkflowModal.html',controller: 'WorkflowEditCtrl',scope: $scope,resolve: { name: function() { return name; } } }); }; });
值得注意的是,resolve.name属性必须是Angular-UI组件正常工作的函数 – 之前我曾尝试解决:{name:name}但这不起作用.@H_403_5@
// Unit Test describe('Controller: WorkflowListCtrl',function () { // load the controller's module beforeEach(module('app')); var workflowListCtrl,scope,modal; // Initialize the controller and a mock scope beforeEach(inject(function ($controller,$rootScope) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); modal = { open: jasmine.createSpy() }; workflowListCtrl = $controller('WorkflowListCtrl',{ $scope: scope,$modal: modal }); it('should allow a workflow to be edited',function() { // Edit workflow happens in a modal. scope.edit('Barney Rubble'); expect(modal.open).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ templateUrl: 'partials/editWorkflowModal.html',scope: scope,resolve: { name: jasmine.any(Function) } }); }); })); });
目前,这只是检查resolve.name属性是一个函数,但我真正想做的是断言resolve.name函数返回Barney Rubble.这种语法显然不起作用:@H_403_5@
expect(modal.open).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ templateUrl: 'partials/editWorkflowModal.html',resolve: { name: function() { return 'Barney Rubble'; } } });
似乎我想以某种方式窥探resolve.name函数以检查它是否与Barney Rubble一起调用,但我无法找到一种方法来做到这一点.有任何想法吗?@H_403_5@
$scope._resolve = function(item) { return function() { return item; }; };
$scope.edit = function(name) { var modalInstance = $modal.open({ templateUrl: 'partials/modal.html',controller: 'ModalCtrl',resolve: { name: $scope._resolve(name) } }); };
it('should allow a workflow to be edited',function() { // Mock out the resolve fn and return our item spyOn($scope,'_resolve').and.callFake(function(item) { return item; }); // Edit workflow happens in a modal. scope.edit('Barney Rubble'); expect(modal.open).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ templateUrl: 'partials/modal.html',resolve: { name: 'Barney Rubble' } }); });