@H_502_5@ 我们来看看规范(可以/应该帮助您实现!)在ECMAScript 1st Edition (ECMA-262)(Math.max / min的初始定义)中,我们看到以下内容: max(x,y) Returns the larger of the two arguments. • If either argument is NaN,the result is NaN. • If x>y,the result is x. • If y>x,the result is y. • If x is +0 and y is +0,the result is +0. • If x is +0 and y is −0,the result is +0. • If x is −0 and y is +0,the result is +0. • If x is −0 and y is −0,the result is −0. min(x,y) Returns the smaller of the two arguments. • If either argument is NaN,the result is NaN. • If x<y,the result is x. • If y<x,the result is −0. • If x is −0 and y is +0,the result is −0. • If x is −0 and y is −0,the result is −0.
该规范的后续版本为我们提供: max ( [ value1 [,value2 [,… ] ] ] ) Given zero or more arguments,calls ToNumber on each of the arguments and returns the largest of the resulting values. • If no arguments are given,the result is −∞. • If any value is NaN,the result is NaN. • The comparison of values to determine the largest value is done as in 11.8.5 except that +0 is considered to be larger than −0. The length property of the max method is 2. min ( [ value1 [,calls ToNumber on each of the arguments and returns the smallest of the resulting values. • If no arguments are given,the result is +∞. • If any value is NaN,the result is NaN. • The comparison of values to determine the smallest value is done as in 11.8.5 except that +0 is considered to be larger than −0. The length property of the min method is 2.
可在此处找到对11.8.5的引用:The Abstract Relational Comparison Algorithm Math.max ( value1,value2,…values ) Given zero or more arguments,the result is NaN. • The comparison of values to determine the largest value is done using the Abstract Relational Comparison algorithm (7.2.11) except that +0 is considered to be larger than −0. The length property of the max method is 2. Math.min ( value1,the result is NaN. • The comparison of values to determine the smallest value is done using the Abstract Relational Comparison algorithm (7.2.11) except that +0 is considered to be larger than −0. The length property of the min method is 2.
再次,7.2.11可以在这里找到:Abstract Relational Comparison