- var aps;
- $(function(){
- aps = function(){
- // private
- // variables
- var bgColor = '#f5f5f5';
- var threshold = 370;
- var threshold_width = 800;
- return {
- tmpl : $('#jcrop-template').html(),upl_cont : {},form : {},logo_img : new Image(),jcrop_api : null,scaled_logo_url : '',image_filename : '',original_image_filename : '',mime : '',trueSize : '',jcrop_init : function (oiFrameRes){
- $('#logo_upload_form').find('img').hide();
- this.scaled_logo_url = oiFrameRes.image_url;
- this.logo_url = oiFrameRes.original_image_url;
- this.original_image_filename = oiFrameRes.original_image_filename;
- this.image_filename = oiFrameRes.image_filename;
- this.mime = oiFrameRes.mime;
- this.upl_cont = $('#faceBox div#upload-container-d');
- this.logo_img = new Image();
- this.logo_img.that = this;
- this.logo_img.name = 'logo';
- this.logo_img.onload = function(){
- this.true_width=this.width;
- this.true_height=this.height;
- this.that.resize_image();
- this.that.resize_faceBox();
- this.that.display_image();
- }
- this.logo_img.src = this.logo_url;
- },resize_image : function(){
- this.trueSize = '';
- if(typeof (this.oSettings.trueSize)!=='undefined') delete(this.oSettings.trueSize);
- if (this.logo_img.width > threshold){
- if (this.logo_img.width > threshold_width){
- this.trueSize = [ this.logo_img.width,this.logo_img.height ];
- this.logo_img.height = this.logo_img.height / (this.logo_img.width / threshold_width);
- this.logo_img.width = threshold_width;
- }
- }
- },resize_faceBox : function(){
- var width = (this.logo_img.width > threshold) ? this.logo_img.width : threshold ;
- $('#faceBox').css({
- left : $(window).width() / 2 - width / 2
- }).
- find('div.change-size').css({'width': width+30});
- },display_image : function (){
- if (this.jcrop_api === null) {
- $logo_img = $(this.logo_img).css({'display':'block','margin-left':'auto','margin-right':'auto'})
- if (this.upl_cont.find('#logo-container-d>img').length > 0){
- if (this.upl_cont.find('#logo-container-d>img').attr('src').length > 0){
- this.upl_cont.find('#logo-container-d').empty().append($logo_img);
- }
- }
- else {
- this.upl_cont.append(this.tmpl).find('#logo-container-d').append($logo_img);
- }
- var that = this;
- if (typeof (this.upl_cont.find('#jcrop-menu1 a').data('events')) === 'undefined'){
- this.upl_cont.find('#jcrop-menu1 a').click(function(){
- if (this.href.indexOf('#crop')>-1){
- $(this).closest('div').hide();
- that.upl_cont.find('#jcrop-menu2').show();
- that.setup_crop();
- }
- if (this.href.indexOf('#close')>-1){
- manageIframeResponse();
- }
- location.hash = '';
- return false;
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- this.reset();
- }
- },reset : function(){
- $('#jcrop-menu2',this.upl_cont).find('a').unbind('click').end().hide();
- $('#jcrop-coords-f',this.upl_cont).find('input[type="text"]').each(function(){this.value="";}).end().hide();
- $('#jcrop-menu1',this.upl_cont).find('a').unbind('click').end().show();
- this.jcrop_api.destroy();
- this.jcrop_api=null;
- this.display_image();
- },send_form : function (){
- var sPost = $(this.form).find('input[name="image_filename"]').val(this.image_filename).end()
- .find('input[name="original_image_filename"]').val(this.original_image_filename).end()
- .find('input[name="mime"]').val(this.mime).end()
- .find('input[name="user_url"]').val($('#logo_upload_base_url').val()).end()
- .find('input[name="user_key"]').val($('#logo_upload_user_key').val()).end()
- .serialize();
- $.ajax({
- url:'iframe_upload.PHP',type:'POST',data: sPost,success : function(response){
- manageIframeResponse();
- },dataType : 'json'
- });
- },setup_crop : function (){
- var that = this;
- if (this.jcrop_api === null) {
- this.form = this.upl_cont.find('form#jcrop-coords-f').get(0);
- this.upl_cont.find('#jcrop-menu2>a').click(function(){ that.send_form();return false; });
- this.updateForm = function (){
- var c = arguments[0];
- that.form.x1.value=c.x;
- that.form.x2.value=c.x2;
- that.form.y1.value=c.y;
- that.form.y2.value=c.y2;
- that.form.h.value=c.h;
- that.form.w.value=c.w;
- }
- this.oSettings.onSelect = this.updateForm;
- if (typeof (this.trueSize) !== 'string' && $.isArray(this.trueSize)){
- $.extend(this.oSettings,{'trueSize':this.trueSize});
- }
- $('#faceBox #logo-container-d>img').Jcrop( this.oSettings,function(){
- that.jcrop_api = this;
- var _x1 = (that.logo_img.true_width*0.1).toFixed();
- var _y1 = (that.logo_img.true_height*0.1).toFixed();
- var _x2 = (that.logo_img.true_width*0.9).toFixed();
- var _y2 = (that.logo_img.true_height*0.9).toFixed();
- that.jcrop_api.setSelect([0,that.logo_img.true_width,that.logo_img.true_height]);
- that.jcrop_api.animateTo([_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2]);
- });
- }
- },updateForm : function (){},oSettings : {
- onSelect:'',onChange:'',keySupport: false,bgColor:bgColor,aspectRatio:1,minSize:[0,0]
- }
- }
- }();
- $(document).bind('afterClose.faceBox',function() {
- if (aps.jcrop_api !=null) {
- aps.jcrop_api.destroy();
- aps.jcrop_api=null;
- }
- });
- });
无论何时使用函数调用*调用函数,此值都将设置为全局变量(或在严格模式下未定义) – 即使从方法调用函数也是如此.道格拉斯·克罗克福德实际上已将此描述为该语言的一个缺陷.
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- success : function(response){
- manageIframeResponse.apply(self,[response]); //<--- apply wants your arguments in array form
- }
- });
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- success : function(response){
- manageIframeResponse.call(self,response); //<---call takes the arguments listed out one at a time
- }
- });
- foo() //inside foo,this will be the global object (or undefined in strict mode)
- myObj.foo() //inside foo,this will be myObj
- function objCreator() {
- var y = "There";
- function privateFunc() {
- alert(y); //alerts There as expected
- alert(this.someField); //undefined: whoops - this is the global object,} //so there's no someField
- return {
- x: "Hi",someField: "blah",foo: function () {
- alert(this.x);
- privateFunc();
- }
- };
- }