

2.1 、使用onDomContentLoaded事件实现滚动












hScroll false 禁止横向滚动 true横向滚动 默认为true vScroll false 精致垂直滚动 true垂直滚动 默认为true hScrollbar false隐藏水平方向上的滚动条 vScrollbar false 隐藏垂直方向上的滚动条 fixedScrollbar 在iOS系统上,当元素拖动超出了scroller的边界时,滚动条会收缩,设置为true可以禁止滚动条超出 scroller的可见区域。默认在Android上为true, iOS上为false fadeScrollbar   false 指定在无渐隐效果时隐藏滚动条 hideScrollbar   在没有用户交互时隐藏滚动条 默认为true bounce  启用或禁用边界的反弹,默认为true momentum   启用或禁用惯性,默认为true,此参数在你想要保存资源的时候非常有用 lockDirection false取消拖动方向的锁定, true拖动只能在一个方向上(up/down 或者left/right)


refresh 在DOM树发生变化时,应该调用此方法

eg: setTimeout(function () { myScroll.refresh(); },0);






div { position:absolute; z-index:100; height:100%; /* The following is probably what you want to customize */ background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,0 0,100% 0,from(#a00),to(#f00)); background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#f00,#900); background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top,#900); border:1px solid #900; -webkit-background-clip:padding-box; -moz-background-clip:padding-box; -o-background-clip:padding-box; background-clip:padding-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -o-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -o-border-radius:4px; border-radius:4px; -webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,0.5); -moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,0.5); -o-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,0.5); box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,0.5); } /** * * Vertical Scrollbar * */ .myScrollbarV { position:absolute; z-index:100; width:8px;bottom:7px;top:2px;right:1px } .myScrollbarV > div { position:absolute; z-index:100; width:100%; /* The following is probably what you want to customize */ background:-webkit-gradient(linear,from(#f00),to(#900)); background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top,0.5); }




that[dir + 'ScrollbarMaxScroll']) { if (!that.options.fixedScrollbar) { size = that[dir + 'ScrollbarIndicatorSize'] - m.round((pos - that[dir + 'ScrollbarMaxScroll']) * 3); if (size < 8) size = 8; that[dir + 'ScrollbarIndicator'].style[dir == 'h' ? 'width' : 'height'] = size + 'px'; pos = that[dir + 'ScrollbarMaxScroll'] + (that[dir + 'ScrollbarIndicatorSize'] - size); } else { pos = that[dir + 'ScrollbarMaxScroll']; } } that[dir + 'ScrollbarWrapper'].style[transitionDelay] = '0'; that[dir + 'ScrollbarWrapper'].style.opacity = hidden && that.options.hideScrollbar ? '0' : '1'; that[dir + 'ScrollbarIndicator'].style[transform] = 'translate(' + (dir == 'h' ? pos + 'px,0)' : '0,' + pos + 'px)') + translateZ; },_start: function (e) { var that = this,point = hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e,matrix,x,y,c1,c2; if (!that.enabled) return; if (that.options.onBeforeScrollStart),e); if (that.options.useTransition || that.options.zoom) that._transitionTime(0); that.moved = false; that.animating = false; that.zoomed = false; that.distX = 0; that.distY = 0; that.absDistX = 0; that.absDistY = 0; that.dirX = 0; that.dirY = 0; // Gesture start if (that.options.zoom && hasTouch && e.touches.length > 1) { c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX-e.touches[1].pageX); c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY-e.touches[1].pageY); that.touchesDistStart = m.sqrt(c1 * c1 + c2 * c2); that.originX = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX + e.touches[1].pageX - that.wrapperOffsetLeft * 2) / 2 - that.x; that.originY = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY + e.touches[1].pageY - that.wrapperOffsetTop * 2) / 2 - that.y; if (that.options.onZoomStart),e); } if (that.options.momentum) { if (that.options.useTransform) { // Very lame general purpose alternative to CSSMatrix matrix = getComputedStyle(that.scroller,null)[transform].replace(/[^0-9\-.,]/g,'').split(','); x = +(matrix[12] || matrix[4]); y = +(matrix[13] || matrix[5]); } else { x = +getComputedStyle(that.scroller,null).left.replace(/[^0-9-]/g,''); y = +getComputedStyle(that.scroller,null).top.replace(/[^0-9-]/g,''); } if (x != that.x || y != that.y) { if (that.options.useTransition) that._unbind(TRNEND_EV); else cancelFrame(that.aniTime); that.steps = []; that._pos(x,y); if (that.options.onScrollEnd); } } that.absStartX = that.x; // Needed by snap threshold that.absStartY = that.y; that.startX = that.x; that.startY = that.y; that.pointX = point.pageX; that.pointY = point.pageY; that.startTime = e.timeStamp ||; if (that.options.onScrollStart),e); that._bind(MOVE_EV,window); that._bind(END_EV,window); that._bind(CANCEL_EV,window); },_move: function (e) { var that = this,deltaX = point.pageX - that.pointX,deltaY = point.pageY - that.pointY,newX = that.x + deltaX,newY = that.y + deltaY,c2,scale,timestamp = e.timeStamp ||; if (that.options.onBeforeScrollMove),e); // Zoom if (that.options.zoom && hasTouch && e.touches.length > 1) { c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX); c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY); that.touchesDist = m.sqrt(c1*c1+c2*c2); that.zoomed = true; scale = 1 / that.touchesDistStart * that.touchesDist * this.scale; if (scale < that.options.zoomMin) scale = 0.5 * that.options.zoomMin * Math.pow(2.0,scale / that.options.zoomMin); else if (scale > that.options.zoomMax) scale = 2.0 * that.options.zoomMax * Math.pow(0.5,that.options.zoomMax / scale); that.lastScale = scale / this.scale; newX = this.originX - this.originX * that.lastScale + this.x,newY = this.originY - this.originY * that.lastScale + this.y;[transform] = 'translate(' + newX + 'px,' + newY + 'px) scale(' + scale + ')' + translateZ; if (that.options.onZoom),e); return; } that.pointX = point.pageX; that.pointY = point.pageY; // Slow down if outside of the boundaries if (newX > 0 || newX < that.maxScrollX) { newX = that.options.bounce ? that.x + (deltaX / 2) : newX >= 0 || that.maxScrollX >= 0 ? 0 : that.maxScrollX; } if (newY > that.minScrollY || newY < that.maxScrollY) { newY = that.options.bounce ? that.y + (deltaY / 2) : newY >= that.minScrollY || that.maxScrollY >= 0 ? that.minScrollY : that.maxScrollY; } that.distX += deltaX; that.distY += deltaY; that.absDistX = m.abs(that.distX); that.absDistY = m.abs(that.distY); if (that.absDistX < 6 && that.absDistY < 6) { return; } // Lock direction if (that.options.lockDirection) { if (that.absDistX > that.absDistY + 5) { newY = that.y; deltaY = 0; } else if (that.absDistY > that.absDistX + 5) { newX = that.x; deltaX = 0; } } that.moved = true; that._pos(newX,newY); that.dirX = deltaX > 0 ? -1 : deltaX < 0 ? 1 : 0; that.dirY = deltaY > 0 ? -1 : deltaY < 0 ? 1 : 0; if (timestamp - that.startTime > 300) { that.startTime = timestamp; that.startX = that.x; that.startY = that.y; } if (that.options.onScrollMove),e); },_end: function (e) { if (hasTouch && e.touches.length !== 0) return; var that = this,point = hasTouch ? e.changedTouches[0] : e,target,ev,momentumX = { dist:0,time:0 },momentumY = { dist:0,duration = (e.timeStamp || - that.startTime,newPosX = that.x,newPosY = that.y,distX,distY,newDuration,snap,scale; that._unbind(MOVE_EV,window); that._unbind(END_EV,window); that._unbind(CANCEL_EV,window); if (that.options.onBeforeScrollEnd),e); if (that.zoomed) { scale = that.scale * that.lastScale; scale = Math.max(that.options.zoomMin,scale); scale = Math.min(that.options.zoomMax,scale); that.lastScale = scale / that.scale; that.scale = scale; that.x = that.originX - that.originX * that.lastScale + that.x; that.y = that.originY - that.originY * that.lastScale + that.y;[transitionDuration] = '200ms';[transform] = 'translate(' + that.x + 'px,' + that.y + 'px) scale(' + that.scale + ')' + translateZ; that.zoomed = false; that.refresh(); if (that.options.onZoomEnd),e); return; } if (!that.moved) { if (hasTouch) { if (that.doubleTapTimer && that.options.zoom) { // Double tapped clearTimeout(that.doubleTapTimer); that.doubleTapTimer = null; if (that.options.onZoomStart),e); that.zoom(that.pointX,that.pointY,that.scale == 1 ? that.options.doubleTapZoom : 1); if (that.options.onZoomEnd) { setTimeout(function() {,200); // 200 is default zoom duration } } else if (this.options.handleClick) { that.doubleTapTimer = setTimeout(function () { that.doubleTapTimer = null; // Find the last touched element target =; while (target.nodeType != 1) target = target.parentNode; if (target.tagName != 'SELECT' && target.tagName != 'INPUT' && target.tagName != 'TEXTAREA') { ev = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'); ev.initMouseEvent('click',true,e.view,1,point.screenX,point.screenY,point.clientX,point.clientY,e.ctrlKey,e.altKey,e.shiftKey,e.metaKey,null); ev._fake = true; target.dispatchEvent(ev); } },that.options.zoom ? 250 : 0); } } that._resetPos(400); if (that.options.onTouchEnd),e); return; } if (duration < 300 && that.options.momentum) { momentumX = newPosX ? that._momentum(newPosX - that.startX,duration,-that.x,that.scrollerW - that.wrapperW + that.x,that.options.bounce ? that.wrapperW : 0) : momentumX; momentumY = newPosY ? that._momentum(newPosY - that.startY,-that.y,(that.maxScrollY < 0 ? that.scrollerH - that.wrapperH + that.y - that.minScrollY : 0),that.options.bounce ? that.wrapperH : 0) : momentumY; newPosX = that.x + momentumX.dist; newPosY = that.y + momentumY.dist; if ((that.x > 0 && newPosX > 0) || (that.x < that.maxScrollX && newPosX < that.maxScrollX)) momentumX = { dist:0,time:0 }; if ((that.y > that.minScrollY && newPosY > that.minScrollY) || (that.y < that.maxScrollY && newPosY < that.maxScrollY)) momentumY = { dist:0,time:0 }; } if (momentumX.dist || momentumY.dist) { newDuration = m.max(m.max(momentumX.time,momentumY.time),10); // Do we need to snap? if (that.options.snap) { distX = newPosX - that.absStartX; distY = newPosY - that.absStartY; if (m.abs(distX) < that.options.snapThreshold && m.abs(distY) < that.options.snapThreshold) { that.scrollTo(that.absStartX,that.absStartY,200); } else { snap = that._snap(newPosX,newPosY); newPosX = snap.x; newPosY = snap.y; newDuration = m.max(snap.time,newDuration); } } that.scrollTo(m.round(newPosX),m.round(newPosY),newDuration); if (that.options.onTouchEnd),e); return; } // Do we need to snap? if (that.options.snap) { distX = newPosX - that.absStartX; distY = newPosY - that.absStartY; if (m.abs(distX) < that.options.snapThreshold && m.abs(distY) < that.options.snapThreshold) that.scrollTo(that.absStartX,200); else { snap = that._snap(that.x,that.y); if (snap.x != that.x || snap.y != that.y) that.scrollTo(snap.x,snap.y,snap.time); } if (that.options.onTouchEnd),e); return; } that._resetPos(200); if (that.options.onTouchEnd),_resetPos: function (time) { var that = this,resetX = that.x >= 0 ? 0 : that.x < that.maxScrollX ? that.maxScrollX : that.x,resetY = that.y >= that.minScrollY || that.maxScrollY > 0 ? that.minScrollY : that.y < that.maxScrollY ? that.maxScrollY : that.y; if (resetX == that.x && resetY == that.y) { if (that.moved) { that.moved = false; if (that.options.onScrollEnd); // Execute custom code on scroll end } if (that.hScrollbar && that.options.hideScrollbar) { if (vendor == 'webkit')[transitionDelay] = '300ms'; = '0'; } if (that.vScrollbar && that.options.hideScrollbar) { if (vendor == 'webkit')[transitionDelay] = '300ms'; = '0'; } return; } that.scrollTo(resetX,resetY,time || 0); },_wheel: function (e) { var that = this,wheelDeltaX,wheelDeltaY,deltaX,deltaY,deltaScale; if ('wheelDeltaX' in e) { wheelDeltaX = e.wheelDeltaX / 12; wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDeltaY / 12; } else if('wheelDelta' in e) { wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta / 12; } else if ('detail' in e) { wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = -e.detail * 3; } else { return; } if (that.options.wheelAction == 'zoom') { deltaScale = that.scale * Math.pow(2,1/3 * (wheelDeltaY ? wheelDeltaY / Math.abs(wheelDeltaY) : 0)); if (deltaScale < that.options.zoomMin) deltaScale = that.options.zoomMin; if (deltaScale > that.options.zoomMax) deltaScale = that.options.zoomMax; if (deltaScale != that.scale) { if (!that.wheelZoomCount && that.options.onZoomStart),e); that.wheelZoomCount++; that.zoom(e.pageX,e.pageY,deltaScale,400); setTimeout(function() { that.wheelZoomCount--; if (!that.wheelZoomCount && that.options.onZoomEnd),400); } return; } deltaX = that.x + wheelDeltaX; deltaY = that.y + wheelDeltaY; if (deltaX > 0) deltaX = 0; else if (deltaX < that.maxScrollX) deltaX = that.maxScrollX; if (deltaY > that.minScrollY) deltaY = that.minScrollY; else if (deltaY < that.maxScrollY) deltaY = that.maxScrollY; if (that.maxScrollY < 0) { that.scrollTo(deltaX,0); } },_transitionEnd: function (e) { var that = this; if ( != that.scroller) return; that._unbind(TRNEND_EV); that._startAni(); },/** * * Utilities * */ _startAni: function () { var that = this,startX = that.x,startY = that.y,startTime =,step,easeOut,animate; if (that.animating) return; if (!that.steps.length) { that._resetPos(400); return; } step = that.steps.shift(); if (step.x == startX && step.y == startY) step.time = 0; that.animating = true; that.moved = true; if (that.options.useTransition) { that._transitionTime(step.time); that._pos(step.x,step.y); that.animating = false; if (step.time) that._bind(TRNEND_EV); else that._resetPos(0); return; } animate = function () { var now =,newX,newY; if (now >= startTime + step.time) { that._pos(step.x,step.y); that.animating = false; if (that.options.onAnimationEnd); // Execute custom code on animation end that._startAni(); return; } now = (now - startTime) / step.time - 1; easeOut = m.sqrt(1 - now * now); newX = (step.x - startX) * easeOut + startX; newY = (step.y - startY) * easeOut + startY; that._pos(newX,newY); if (that.animating) that.aniTime = nextFrame(animate); }; animate(); },_transitionTime: function (time) { time += 'ms';[transitionDuration] = time; if (this.hScrollbar)[transitionDuration] = time; if (this.vScrollbar)[transitionDuration] = time; },_momentum: function (dist,time,maxDistUpper,maxDistLower,size) { var deceleration = 0.0006,speed = m.abs(dist) / time,newDist = (speed * speed) / (2 * deceleration),newTime = 0,outsideDist = 0; // Proportinally reduce speed if we are outside of the boundaries if (dist > 0 && newDist > maxDistUpper) { outsideDist = size / (6 / (newDist / speed * deceleration)); maxDistUpper = maxDistUpper + outsideDist; speed = speed * maxDistUpper / newDist; newDist = maxDistUpper; } else if (dist < 0 && newDist > maxDistLower) { outsideDist = size / (6 / (newDist / speed * deceleration)); maxDistLower = maxDistLower + outsideDist; speed = speed * maxDistLower / newDist; newDist = maxDistLower; } newDist = newDist * (dist < 0 ? -1 : 1); newTime = speed / deceleration; return { dist: newDist,time: m.round(newTime) }; },_offset: function (el) { var left = -el.offsetLeft,top = -el.offsetTop; while (el = el.offsetParent) { left -= el.offsetLeft; top -= el.offsetTop; } if (el != this.wrapper) { left *= this.scale; top *= this.scale; } return { left: left,top: top }; },_snap: function (x,y) { var that = this,i,l,page,sizeX,sizeY; // Check page X page = that.pagesX.length - 1; for (i=0,l=that.pagesX.length; i= that.pagesX[i]) { page = i; break; } } if (page == that.currPageX && page > 0 && that.dirX < 0) page--; x = that.pagesX; sizeX = m.abs(x - that.pagesX[that.currPageX]); sizeX = sizeX ? m.abs(that.x - x) / sizeX * 500 : 0; that.currPageX = page; // Check page Y page = that.pagesY.length-1; for (i=0; i= that.pagesY[i]) { page = i; break; } } if (page == that.currPageY && page > 0 && that.dirY < 0) page--; y = that.pagesY; sizeY = m.abs(y - that.pagesY[that.currPageY]); sizeY = sizeY ? m.abs(that.y - y) / sizeY * 500 : 0; that.currPageY = page; // Snap with constant speed (proportional duration) time = m.round(m.max(sizeX,sizeY)) || 200; return { x: x,y: y,time: time }; },_bind: function (type,el,bubble) { (el || this.scroller).addEventListener(type,this,!!bubble); },_unbind: function (type,bubble) { (el || this.scroller).removeEventListener(type,/** * * Public methods * */ destroy: function () { var that = this;[transform] = ''; // Remove the scrollbars that.hScrollbar = false; that.vScrollbar = false; that._scrollbar('h'); that._scrollbar('v'); // Remove the event listeners that._unbind(RESIZE_EV,window); that._unbind(START_EV); that._unbind(MOVE_EV,window); if (!that.options.hasTouch) { that._unbind('DOMMouseScroll'); that._unbind('mousewheel'); } if (that.options.useTransition) that._unbind(TRNEND_EV); if (that.options.checkDOMChanges) clearInterval(that.checkDOMTime); if (that.options.onDestroy); },refresh: function () { var that = this,offset,els,pos = 0,page = 0; if (that.scale < that.options.zoomMin) that.scale = that.options.zoomMin; that.wrapperW = that.wrapper.clientWidth || 1; that.wrapperH = that.wrapper.clientHeight || 1; that.minScrollY = -that.options.topOffset || 0; that.scrollerW = m.round(that.scroller.offsetWidth * that.scale); that.scrollerH = m.round((that.scroller.offsetHeight + that.minScrollY) * that.scale); that.maxScrollX = that.wrapperW - that.scrollerW; that.maxScrollY = that.wrapperH - that.scrollerH + that.minScrollY; that.dirX = 0; that.dirY = 0; if (that.options.onRefresh); that.hScroll = that.options.hScroll && that.maxScrollX < 0; that.vScroll = that.options.vScroll && (!that.options.bounceLock && !that.hScroll || that.scrollerH > that.wrapperH); that.hScrollbar = that.hScroll && that.options.hScrollbar; that.vScrollbar = that.vScroll && that.options.vScrollbar && that.scrollerH > that.wrapperH; offset = that._offset(that.wrapper); that.wrapperOffsetLeft = -offset.left; that.wrapperOffsetTop =; // Prepare snap if (typeof that.options.snap == 'string') { that.pagesX = []; that.pagesY = []; els = that.scroller.querySelectorAll(that.options.snap); for (i=0,l=els.length; i= that.maxScrollX) { that.pagesX = pos; pos = pos - that.wrapperW; page++; } if (that.maxScrollX%that.wrapperW) that.pagesX[that.pagesX.length] = that.maxScrollX - that.pagesX[that.pagesX.length-1] + that.pagesX[that.pagesX.length-1]; pos = 0; page = 0; that.pagesY = []; while (pos >= that.maxScrollY) { that.pagesY = pos; pos = pos - that.wrapperH; page++; } if (that.maxScrollY%that.wrapperH) that.pagesY[that.pagesY.length] = that.maxScrollY - that.pagesY[that.pagesY.length-1] + that.pagesY[that.pagesY.length-1]; } // Prepare the scrollbars that._scrollbar('h'); that._scrollbar('v'); if (!that.zoomed) {[transitionDuration] = '0'; that._resetPos(400); } },scrollTo: function (x,relative) { var that = this,step = x,l; that.stop(); if (!step.length) step = [{ x: x,time: time,relative: relative }]; for (i=0,l=step.length; i 0 ? 0 : pos.left < that.maxScrollX ? that.maxScrollX : pos.left; = > that.minScrollY ? that.minScrollY : < that.maxScrollY ? that.maxScrollY :; time = time === undefined ? m.max(m.abs(pos.left)*2,m.abs(*2) : time; that.scrollTo(pos.left,,time); },scrollToPage: function (pageX,pageY,y; time = time === undefined ? 400 : time; if (that.options.onScrollStart); if (that.options.snap) { pageX = pageX == 'next' ? that.currPageX+1 : pageX == 'prev' ? that.currPageX-1 : pageX; pageY = pageY == 'next' ? that.currPageY+1 : pageY == 'prev' ? that.currPageY-1 : pageY; pageX = pageX < 0 ? 0 : pageX > that.pagesX.length-1 ? that.pagesX.length-1 : pageX; pageY = pageY < 0 ? 0 : pageY > that.pagesY.length-1 ? that.pagesY.length-1 : pageY; that.currPageX = pageX; that.currPageY = pageY; x = that.pagesX[pageX]; y = that.pagesY[pageY]; } else { x = -that.wrapperW * pageX; y = -that.wrapperH * pageY; if (x < that.maxScrollX) x = that.maxScrollX; if (y < that.maxScrollY) y = that.maxScrollY; } that.scrollTo(x,disable: function () { this.stop(); this._resetPos(0); this.enabled = false; // If disabled after touchstart we make sure that there are no left over events this._unbind(MOVE_EV,window); this._unbind(END_EV,window); this._unbind(CANCEL_EV,enable: function () { this.enabled = true; },stop: function () { if (this.options.useTransition) this._unbind(TRNEND_EV); else cancelFrame(this.aniTime); this.steps = []; this.moved = false; this.animating = false; },zoom: function (x,relScale = scale / that.scale; if (!that.options.useTransform) return; that.zoomed = true; time = time === undefined ? 200 : time; x = x - that.wrapperOffsetLeft - that.x; y = y - that.wrapperOffsetTop - that.y; that.x = x - x * relScale + that.x; that.y = y - y * relScale + that.y; that.scale = scale; that.refresh(); that.x = that.x > 0 ? 0 : that.x < that.maxScrollX ? that.maxScrollX : that.x; that.y = that.y > that.minScrollY ? that.minScrollY : that.y < that.maxScrollY ? that.maxScrollY : that.y;[transitionDuration] = time + 'ms';[transform] = 'translate(' + that.x + 'px,' + that.y + 'px) scale(' + scale + ')' + translateZ; that.zoomed = false; },isReady: function () { return !this.moved && !this.zoomed && !this.animating; } }; function prefixStyle (style) { if ( vendor === '' ) return style; style = style.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + style.substr(1); return vendor + style; } dummyStyle = null; // for the sake of it if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') exports.iScroll = iScroll; else window.iScroll = iScroll; })(window,document);


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