





0) ? el.title : el.imagetitle; var smallimage = new Smallimage(img); var lens = new Lens(); var stage = new Stage(); var largeimage = new Largeimage(); var loader = new Loader(); //preventing default click,allowing the onclick event [exmple: lightBox] $(el).bind('click',function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }); //setting the default zoomType if not in settings var zoomtypes = ['standard','drag','innerzoom','reverse']; if ($.inArray($.trim(settings.zoomType),zoomtypes) < 0) { settings.zoomType = 'standard'; } $.extend(obj,{ create: function () { //create the main objects //create ZoomPad if ($(".zoomPad",el).length == 0) { el.zoomPad = $('
').addClass('zoomPad'); img.wrap(el.zoomPad); } if(settings.zoomType == 'innerzoom'){ settings.zoomWidth = smallimage.w; settings.zoomHeight = smallimage.h; } //creating ZoomPup if ($(".zoomPup",el).length == 0) { lens.append(); } //creating zoomWindow if ($(".zoomWindow",el).length == 0) { stage.append(); } //creating Preload if ($(".zoomPreload",el).length == 0) { loader.append(); } //preloading images if (settings.preloadImages || settings.zoomType == 'drag' || settings.alwaysOn) { obj.load(); } obj.init(); },init: function () { //drag option if (settings.zoomType == 'drag') { $(".zoomPad",el).mousedown(function () { el.mouseDown = true; }); $(".zoomPad",el).mouseup(function () { el.mouseDown = false; }); document.body.ondragstart = function () { return false; }; $(".zoomPad",el).css({ cursor: 'default' }); $(".zoomPup",el).css({ cursor: 'move' }); } if (settings.zoomType == 'innerzoom') { $(".zoomWrapper",el).css({ cursor: 'crosshair' }); } $(".zoomPad",el).bind('mouseenter mouSEOver',function (event) { img.attr('title',''); $(el).attr('title',''); el.zoom_active = true; //if loaded then activate else load large image smallimage.fetchdata(); if (el.largeimageloaded) { obj.activate(event); } else { obj.load(); } }); $(".zoomPad",el).bind('mouseleave',function (event) { obj.deactivate(); }); $(".zoomPad",el).bind('mousemove',function (e) { //prevent fast mouse mevements not to fire the mouSEOut event if (e.pageX > smallimage.pos.r || e.pageX < smallimage.pos.l || e.pageY < smallimage.pos.t || e.pageY > smallimage.pos.b) { lens.setcenter(); return false; } el.zoom_active = true; if (el.largeimageloaded && !$('.zoomWindow',el).is(':visible')) { obj.activate(e); } if (el.largeimageloaded && (settings.zoomType != 'drag' || (settings.zoomType == 'drag' && el.mouseDown))) { lens.setposition(e); } }); var thumb_preload = new Array(); var i = 0; //binding click event on thumbnails var thumblist = new Array(); thumblist = $('a').filter(function () { var regex = new RegExp("gallery[\\s]*:[\\s]*'" + $.trim(el.rel) + "'","i"); var rel = $(this).attr('rel'); if (regex.test(rel)) { return this; } }); if (thumblist.length > 0) { //getting the first to the last var first = thumblist.splice(0,1); thumblist.push(first); } thumblist.each(function () { //preloading thumbs if (settings.preloadImages) { var thumb_options = $.extend({},eval("(" + $.trim($(this).attr('rel')) + ")")); thumb_preload[i] = new Image(); thumb_preload[i].src = thumb_options.largeimage; i++; } $(this).click(function (e) { if($(this).hasClass('zoomThumbActive')){ return false; } thumblist.each(function () { $(this).removeClass('zoomThumbActive'); }); e.preventDefault(); obj.swapimage(this); return false; }); }); },load: function () { if (el.largeimageloaded == false && el.largeimageloading == false) { var url = $(el).attr('href'); el.largeimageloading = true; largeimage.loadimage(url); } },activate: function (e) { clearTimeout(el.timer); //show lens and zoomWindow lens.show(); stage.show(); },deactivate: function (e) { switch (settings.zoomType) { case 'drag': //nothing or lens.setcenter(); break; default: img.attr('title',el.imagetitle); $(el).attr('title',el.title); if (settings.alwaysOn) { lens.setcenter(); } else { stage.hide(); lens.hide(); } break; } el.zoom_active = false; },swapimage: function (link) { el.largeimageloading = false; el.largeimageloaded = false; var options = new Object(); options = $.extend({},eval("(" + $.trim($(link).attr('rel')) + ")")); if (options.smallimage && options.largeimage) { var smallimage = options.smallimage; var largeimage = options.largeimage; $(link).addClass('zoomThumbActive'); $(el).attr('href',largeimage); img.attr('src',smallimage); lens.hide(); stage.hide(); obj.load(); } else { alert('ERROR :: Missing parameter for largeimage or smallimage.'); throw 'ERROR :: Missing parameter for largeimage or smallimage.'; } return false; } }); //sometimes image is already loaded and onload will not fire if (img[0].complete) { //fetching data from sallimage if was prevIoUsly loaded smallimage.fetchdata(); if ($(".zoomPad",el).length == 0) obj.create(); } /*========================================================,| Smallimage |---------------------------------------------------------: | Base image into the anchor element `========================================================*/ function Smallimage(image) { var $obj = this; this.node = image[0]; this.findborder = function () { var bordertop = 0; bordertop = image.css('border-top-width'); btop = ''; var borderleft = 0; borderleft = image.css('border-left-width'); bleft = ''; if (bordertop) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var x = []; x = bordertop.substr(i,1); if (isNaN(x) == false) { btop = btop + '' + bordertop.substr(i,1); } else { break; } } } if (borderleft) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!isNaN(borderleft.substr(i,1))) { bleft = bleft + borderleft.substr(i,1) } else { break; } } } $obj.btop = (btop.length > 0) ? eval(btop) : 0; $obj.bleft = (bleft.length > 0) ? eval(bleft) : 0; }; this.fetchdata = function () { $obj.findborder(); $obj.w = image.width(); $obj.h = image.height(); $obj.ow = image.outerWidth(); $obj.oh = image.outerHeight(); $obj.pos = image.offset(); $obj.pos.l = image.offset().left + $obj.bleft; $obj.pos.t = image.offset().top + $obj.btop; $obj.pos.r = $obj.w + $obj.pos.l; $obj.pos.b = $obj.h + $obj.pos.t; $obj.rightlimit = image.offset().left + $obj.ow; $obj.bottomlimit = image.offset().top + $obj.oh; }; this.node.onerror = function () { alert('Problems while loading image.'); throw 'Problems while loading image.'; }; this.node.onload = function () { $obj.fetchdata(); if ($(".zoomPad",el).length == 0) obj.create(); }; return $obj; }; /*========================================================,| Loader |---------------------------------------------------------: | Show that the large image is loading `========================================================*/ function Loader() { var $obj = this; this.append = function () { this.node = $('
').addClass('zoomPreload').css('visibility','hidden').html(settings.preloadText); $('.zoomPad',el).append(this.node); }; this.show = function () { this.node.top = (smallimage.oh - this.node.height()) / 2; this.node.left = (smallimage.ow - this.node.width()) / 2; //setting position this.node.css({ top: this.node.top,left: this.node.left,position: 'absolute',visibility: 'visible' }); }; this.hide = function () { this.node.css('visibility','hidden'); }; return this; } /*========================================================,| Lens |---------------------------------------------------------: | Lens over the image `========================================================*/ function Lens() { var $obj = this; this.node = $('
').addClass('zoomPup'); //this.nodeimgwrapper = $("
").addClass('zoomPupImgWrapper'); this.append = function () { $('.zoomPad',el).append($(this.node).hide()); if (settings.zoomType == 'reverse') { this.image = new Image(); this.image.src = smallimage.node.src; // fires off async $(this.node).empty().append(this.image); } }; this.setdimensions = function () { this.node.w = (parseInt((settings.zoomWidth) / el.scale.x) > smallimage.w ) ? smallimage.w : (parseInt(settings.zoomWidth / el.scale.x)); this.node.h = (parseInt((settings.zoomHeight) / el.scale.y) > smallimage.h ) ? smallimage.h : (parseInt(settings.zoomHeight / el.scale.y)); this.node.top = (smallimage.oh - this.node.h - 2) / 2; this.node.left = (smallimage.ow - this.node.w - 2) / 2; //centering lens this.node.css({ top: 0,left: 0,width: this.node.w + 'px',height: this.node.h + 'px',display: 'none',borderWidth: 1 + 'px' }); if (settings.zoomType == 'reverse') { this.image.src = smallimage.node.src; $(this.node).css({ 'opacity': 1 }); $(this.image).css({ position: 'absolute',display: 'block',left: -(this.node.left + 1 - smallimage.bleft) + 'px',top: -(this.node.top + 1 - smallimage.btop) + 'px' }); } }; this.setcenter = function () { //calculating center position this.node.top = (smallimage.oh - this.node.h - 2) / 2; this.node.left = (smallimage.ow - this.node.w - 2) / 2; //centering lens this.node.css({ top: this.node.top,left: this.node.left }); if (settings.zoomType == 'reverse') { $(this.image).css({ position: 'absolute',top: -(this.node.top + 1 - smallimage.btop) + 'px' }); } //centering large image largeimage.setposition(); }; this.setposition = function (e) { el.mousepos.x = e.pageX; el.mousepos.y = e.pageY; var lensleft = 0; var lenstop = 0; function overleft(lens) { return el.mousepos.x - (lens.w) / 2 < smallimage.pos.l; } function overright(lens) { return el.mousepos.x + (lens.w) / 2 > smallimage.pos.r; } function overtop(lens) { return el.mousepos.y - (lens.h) / 2 < smallimage.pos.t; } function overbottom(lens) { return el.mousepos.y + (lens.h) / 2 > smallimage.pos.b; } lensleft = el.mousepos.x + smallimage.bleft - smallimage.pos.l - (this.node.w + 2) / 2; lenstop = el.mousepos.y + smallimage.btop - smallimage.pos.t - (this.node.h + 2) / 2; if (overleft(this.node)) { lensleft = smallimage.bleft - 1; } else if (overright(this.node)) { lensleft = smallimage.w + smallimage.bleft - this.node.w - 1; } if (overtop(this.node)) { lenstop = smallimage.btop - 1; } else if (overbottom(this.node)) { lenstop = smallimage.h + smallimage.btop - this.node.h - 1; } this.node.left = lensleft; this.node.top = lenstop; this.node.css({ 'left': lensleft + 'px','top': lenstop + 'px' }); if (settings.zoomType == 'reverse') { if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version > 7) { $(this.node).empty().append(this.image); } $(this.image).css({ position: 'absolute',top: -(this.node.top + 1 - smallimage.btop) + 'px' }); } largeimage.setposition(); }; this.hide = function () { img.css({ 'opacity': 1 }); this.node.hide(); }; this.show = function () { if (settings.zoomType != 'innerzoom' && (settings.lens || settings.zoomType == 'drag')) { this.node.show(); } if (settings.zoomType == 'reverse') { img.css({ 'opacity': settings.imageOpacity }); } }; this.getoffset = function () { var o = {}; o.left = $obj.node.left; o.top = $obj.node.top; return o; }; return this; }; /*========================================================,| Stage |---------------------------------------------------------: | Window area that contains the large image `========================================================*/ function Stage() { var $obj = this; this.node = $("
"); this.ieframe = $(''); this.setposition = function () { this.node.leftpos = 0; this.node.toppos = 0; if (settings.zoomType != 'innerzoom') { //positioning switch (settings.position) { case "left": this.node.leftpos = (smallimage.pos.l - smallimage.bleft - Math.abs(settings.xOffset) - settings.zoomWidth > 0) ? (0 - settings.zoomWidth - Math.abs(settings.xOffset)) : (smallimage.ow + Math.abs(settings.xOffset)); this.node.toppos = Math.abs(settings.yOffset); break; case "top": this.node.leftpos = Math.abs(settings.xOffset); this.node.toppos = (smallimage.pos.t - smallimage.btop - Math.abs(settings.yOffset) - settings.zoomHeight > 0) ? (0 - settings.zoomHeight - Math.abs(settings.yOffset)) : (smallimage.oh + Math.abs(settings.yOffset)); break; case "bottom": this.node.leftpos = Math.abs(settings.xOffset); this.node.toppos = (smallimage.pos.t - smallimage.btop + smallimage.oh + Math.abs(settings.yOffset) + settings.zoomHeight < screen.height) ? (smallimage.oh + Math.abs(settings.yOffset)) : (0 - settings.zoomHeight - Math.abs(settings.yOffset)); break; default: this.node.leftpos = (smallimage.rightlimit + Math.abs(settings.xOffset) + settings.zoomWidth < screen.width) ? (smallimage.ow + Math.abs(settings.xOffset)) : (0 - settings.zoomWidth - Math.abs(settings.xOffset)); this.node.toppos = Math.abs(settings.yOffset); break; } } this.node.css({ 'left': this.node.leftpos + 'px','top': this.node.toppos + 'px' }); return this; }; this.append = function () { $('.zoomPad',el).append(this.node); this.node.css({ position: 'absolute',zIndex: 5001 }); if (settings.zoomType == 'innerzoom') { this.node.css({ cursor: 'default' }); var thickness = (smallimage.bleft == 0) ? 1 : smallimage.bleft; $('.zoomWrapper',this.node).css({ borderWidth: thickness + 'px' }); } $('.zoomWrapper',this.node).css({ width: Math.round(settings.zoomWidth) + 'px',borderWidth: thickness + 'px' }); $('.zoomWrapperImage',this.node).css({ width: '100%',height: Math.round(settings.zoomHeight) + 'px' }); //zoom title $('.zoomWrapperTitle',position: 'absolute' }); $('.zoomWrapperTitle',this.node).hide(); if (settings.title && zoomtitle.length > 0) { $('.zoomWrapperTitle',this.node).html(zoomtitle).show(); } $obj.setposition(); }; this.hide = function () { switch (settings.hideEffect) { case 'fadeout': this.node.fadeOut(settings.fadeoutSpeed,function () {}); break; default: this.node.hide(); break; } this.ieframe.hide(); }; this.show = function () { switch (settings.showEffect) { case 'fadein': this.node.fadeIn(); this.node.fadeIn(settings.fadeinSpeed,function () {}); break; default: this.node.show(); break; } if (isIE6 && settings.zoomType != 'innerzoom') { this.ieframe.width = this.node.width(); this.ieframe.height = this.node.height(); this.ieframe.left = this.node.leftpos; this.ieframe.top = this.node.toppos; this.ieframe.css({ display: 'block',position: "absolute",left: this.ieframe.left,top: this.ieframe.top,zIndex: 99,width: this.ieframe.width + 'px',height: this.ieframe.height + 'px' }); $('.zoomPad',el).append(this.ieframe); this.ieframe.show(); }; }; }; /*========================================================,| LargeImage |---------------------------------------------------------: | The large detailed image `========================================================*/ function Largeimage() { var $obj = this; this.node = new Image(); this.loadimage = function (url) { //showing preload loader.show(); this.url = url; this.node.style.position = 'absolute'; this.node.style.border = '0px'; this.node.style.display = 'none'; this.node.style.left = '-5000px'; this.node.style.top = '0px'; document.body.appendChild(this.node); this.node.src = url; // fires off async }; this.fetchdata = function () { var image = $(this.node); var scale = {}; this.node.style.display = 'block'; $obj.w = image.width(); $obj.h = image.height(); $obj.pos = image.offset(); $obj.pos.l = image.offset().left; $obj.pos.t = image.offset().top; $obj.pos.r = $obj.w + $obj.pos.l; $obj.pos.b = $obj.h + $obj.pos.t; scale.x = ($obj.w / smallimage.w); scale.y = ($obj.h / smallimage.h); el.scale = scale; document.body.removeChild(this.node); $('.zoomWrapperImage',el).empty().append(this.node); //setting lens dimensions; lens.setdimensions(); }; this.node.onerror = function () { alert('Problems while loading the big image.'); throw 'Problems while loading the big image.'; }; this.node.onload = function () { //fetching data $obj.fetchdata(); loader.hide(); el.largeimageloading = false; el.largeimageloaded = true; if (settings.zoomType == 'drag' || settings.alwaysOn) { lens.show(); stage.show(); lens.setcenter(); } }; this.setposition = function () { var left = -el.scale.x * (lens.getoffset().left - smallimage.bleft + 1); var top = -el.scale.y * (lens.getoffset().top - smallimage.btop + 1); $(this.node).css({ 'left': left + 'px','top': top + 'px' }); }; return this; }; $(el).data("jqzoom",obj); }; //es. $.jqzoom.disable('#jqzoom1'); $.jqzoom = { defaults: { zoomType: 'standard',//innerzoom/standard/reverse/drag zoomWidth: 300,//zoomWindow default width zoomHeight: 300,//zoomWindow default height xOffset: 10,//zoomWindow x offset,can be negative(more on the left) or positive(more on the right) yOffset: 0,//zoomWindow y offset,can be negative(more on the left) or positive(more on the right) position: "right",//zoomWindow default position preloadImages: true,//image preload preloadText: 'Loading zoom',title: true,lens: true,imageOpacity: 0.4,alwaysOn: false,showEffect: 'show',//show/fadein hideEffect: 'hide',//hide/fadeout fadeinSpeed: 'slow',//fast/slow/number fadeoutSpeed: '2000' //fast/slow/number },disable: function (el) { var api = $(el).data('jqzoom'); api.disable(); return false; },enable: function (el) { var api = $(el).data('jqzoom'); api.enable(); return false; },disableAll: function (el) { jqzoompluging_disabled = true; },enableAll: function (el) { jqzoompluging_disabled = false; } }; })(jQuery);



1.当页面导入的时候,载入 jQZoom 插件












•showEffect,默认值:'show',显示放大窗口时的效果,值可以为: ‘show','fadein'。

•hideEffect,默认值:'hide',隐藏放大窗口时的效果: ‘hide','fadeout'。

•fadeinSpeed,默认值:'fast',放大窗口的渐显速度(选项: ‘fast','slow','medium')。

•fadeoutSpeed,默认值:'slow',放大窗口的渐隐速度(选项: ‘fast','medium')。

•showPreload,默认值:true,是否显示加载提示Loading zoom(选项: ‘true','false')。

•preloadText,默认值:'Loading zoom',自定义加载提示文本。


