$('#divajax').html('<br><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="res/ajax-loader.gif"></div>'); $.ajax({ cache: false,url: 'ajax/content.PHP',success: function(data) { $('#divajax').html(data); } });
// Fn to allow an event to fire after all images are loaded $.fn.imagesLoaded = function () { // get all the images (excluding those with no src attribute) var $imgs = this.find('img[src!=""]'); // if there's no images,just return an already resolved promise if (!$imgs.length) {return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();} // for each image,add a deferred object to the array which resolves when the image is loaded (or if loading fails) var dfds = []; $imgs.each(function(){ var dfd = $.Deferred(); dfds.push(dfd); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function(){dfd.resolve();} img.onerror = function(){dfd.resolve();} img.src = this.src; }); // return a master promise object which will resolve when all the deferred objects have resolved // IE - when all the images are loaded return $.when.apply($,dfds); }
$.ajax({ cache: false,success: function(data) { $('#divajax').html(data).imagesLoaded().then(function(){ // do stuff after images are loaded here }); } });
img.onerror = function(){dfd.reject();}
$('#divajax').html(data).imagesLoaded().done(function(){ // do stuff after all images are loaded successfully here }).fail(function(){ // do stuff if any one of the images fails to load });