>使用React props作为插件配置选项,并连接插件的方法事件;
让我们来探索一个实用的例子,如何用jQuery UI Sortable插件来做到这一点。
如果你只是想抓住最终版本的jQuery UI Sortable示例:
>这里是一个GIST I made与注释的注释;
>而这里是一个jsfiddle DEMO,全注释的评论也;
class Sortable extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { this.$node = $(this.refs.sortable); this.$node.sortable({ opacity: this.props.opacity,change: (event,ui) => this.props.onChange(event,ui) }); } shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.enable !== this.props.enable) this.$node.sortable(nextProps.enable ? 'enable' : 'disable'); } renderItems() { return this.props.data.map( (item,i) => <li key={i} className="ui-state-default"> <span className="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span> { item } </li> ); } render() { return ( <ul ref="sortable"> { this.renderItems() } </ul> ); } componentWillUnmount() { this.$node.sortable('destroy'); } };
Sortable.defaultProps = { opacity: 1,enable: true }; Sortable.propTypes = { opacity: React.PropTypes.number,enable: React.PropTypes.bool,onChange: React.PropTypes.func.isrequired };
…并且这里是如何使用< Sortable />零件:
class MyComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); // Use this flag to disable/enable the <Sortable /> this.state = { isEnabled: true }; this.toggleEnableability = this.toggleEnableability.bind(this); } toggleEnableability() { this.setState({ isEnabled: ! this.state.isEnabled }); } handleOnChange(event,ui) { console.log('DOM changed!',event,ui); } render() { const list = ['ReactJS','JSX','JavaScript','jQuery','jQuery UI']; return ( <div> <button type="button" onClick={this.toggleEnableability}> Toggle enable/disable </button> <Sortable opacity={0.8} data={list} enable={this.state.isEnabled} onChange={this.handleOnChange} /> </div> ); } } ReactDOM.render(<MyComponent />,document.getElementById('app'));
class Sortable extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { // Every React component has a function that exposes the // underlying DOM node that it is wrapping. We can use that // DOM node,pass it to jQuery and initialize the plugin. // You'll find that many jQuery plugins follow this same pattern // and you'll be able to pass the component DOM node to jQuery // and call the plugin function. // Get the DOM node and store the jQuery element reference this.$node = $(this.refs.sortable); // Initialize the jQuery UI functionality you need // in this case,the Sortable: https://jqueryui.com/sortable/ this.$node.sortable(); } // jQuery UI sortable expects a <ul> list with <li>s. renderItems() { return this.props.data.map( (item,i) => <li key={i} className="ui-state-default"> <span className="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span> { item } </li> ); } render() { return ( <ul ref="sortable"> { this.renderItems() } </ul> ); } };
假设我们要配置the opacity of the helper while sorting.我们将使用插件配置中的opacity选项,其值取0.01到1。
class Sortable extends React.Component { // ... omitted for brevity componentDidMount() { this.$node = $(this.refs.sortable); this.$node.sortable({ // Get the incoming `opacity` prop and use it in the plugin configuration opacity: this.props.opacity,}); } // ... omitted for brevity }; // Optional: set the default props,in case none are passed Sortable.defaultProps = { opacity: 1 };
<Sortable opacity={0.8} />
同样的方式,我们可以映射jQUery UI Sortable options的任何一个。
class Sortable extends React.Component { // ... omitted for brevity componentDidMount() { this.$node = $(this.refs.sortable); this.$node.sortable({ opacity: this.props.opacity,// Get the incoming onChange function // and invoke it on the Sortable `change` event change: (event,ui) }); } // ... omitted for brevity }; // Optional: set the prop types Sortable.propTypes = { onChange: React.PropTypes.func.isrequired };
<Sortable opacity={0.8} onChange={ (event,ui) => console.log('DOM changed!',ui) } />
然后,我们使用componentWillReceiveProps(),我们将this.props与nextProps进行比较,并在必要时调用jQuery UI排序更新。对于这个例子,我们将实现jQuery UI Sortable的enable / disable选项。
class Sortable extends React.Component { // Force a single-render of the component,// by returning false from shouldComponentUpdate ReactJS lifecycle hook. // Right after ReactJS adds the element in the actual DOM,// we need to pass the future control to jQuery. // This way,ReactJS will never re-render our component,// and jQuery will be responsible for all updates. shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // Each time when component receives new props,// we should trigger refresh or perform anything else we need. // For this example,we'll update only the enable/disable option,// as soon as we receive a different value for this.props.enable if (nextProps.enable !== this.props.enable) { this.$node.sortable(nextProps.enable ? 'enable' : 'disable'); } } // ... omitted for brevity }; // Optional: set the default props,in case none are passed Sortable.defaultProps = { enable: true }; // Optional: set the prop types Sortable.propTypes = { enable: React.PropTypes.bool };
许多jQuery插件提供了在不再需要时自己清理的机制。 jQuery UI Sortable提供了一个事件,我们可以触发它来告诉插件解除其DOM事件绑定和销毁。反应生命周期方法再次得到救援,并提供了一个机制,以便在组件被卸载时挂钩。
class Sortable extends React.Component { // ... omitted for brevity componentWillUnmount() { // Clean up the mess when the component unmounts this.$node.sortable('destroy'); } // ... omitted for brevity };
在图书馆修改DOM的情况下,我们尝试保持“反应”的方式。当DOM完全控制DOM时,React的效果最好。在这些情况下,React组件更多是第三方库的包装器。主要通过使用componentDidMount / componentWillUnmount来初始化/销毁第三方库。道具作为一种给父母一种定制孩子包装的第三方图书馆的行为并挂接插件事件的方法。