EDIT2:这个jQuery Calculation插件越来越接近我所需要的.
$('#output').formula(" ( SUM($('.x')) + $('#y') ) / ( funcThatReturnsValue() + 4 )");
$('#output').formula({ formula: "(SUM(x)+y)/(j+k)",variables: { x: $('.x'),y: $('#y'),j: function() { return 3; },k: 4 } onblur: $('.x,#y') });
MVVM and View Models Model-View-View Model (MVVM) is a design pattern
for building user interfaces. It describes how you can keep a
potentially sophisticated UI simple by splitting it into three parts:A model: your application’s stored data. This data represents objects
and operations in your business domain (e.g.,bank accounts that can
perform money transfers) and is independent of any UI. When using KO,
you will usually make Ajax calls to some server-side code to read and
write this stored model data.A view model: a pure-code representation of the data and operations on
a UI. For example,if you’re implementing a list editor,your view
model would be an object holding a list of items,and exposing methods
to add and remove items.Note that this is not the UI itself: it doesn’t have any concept of
buttons or display styles. It’s not the persisted data model either –
it holds the unsaved data the user is working with. When using KO,
your view models are pure JavaScript objects that hold no knowledge of
HTML. Keeping the view model abstract in this way lets it stay simple,
so you can manage more sophisticated behaviors without getting lost.A view: a visible,interactive UI representing the state of the view
model. It displays information from the view model,sends commands to
the view model (e.g.,when the user clicks buttons),and updates
whenever the state of the view model changes.When using KO,your view is simply your HTML document with declarative
bindings to link it to the view model. Alternatively,you can use
templates that generate HTML using data from your view model.