@H_404_22@$(function(){ var screenWidth = $(window).width(); $("ul.slides li").css("width",screenWidth); $(window).resize(function() { var SlideWidth = $("ul.slides li").width(); var screenWidth = $(window).width(); $("ul.slides li").css("width",screenWidth); }); $('.slider-controls li').click(function(){ var slideToID = $(this).children().attr('rel'); var SlideWidth = $("ul.slides li").width(); var slideTo = (slideToID * SlideWidth) - SlideWidth; var arrowTo = 85+(240*(slideToID-1)); $('.slider-controls li').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $('ul.slides').animate({"left": -slideTo}); $('div.slider-arrow').animate({"left": arrowTo}); }); }); function slider() { var SlideWidth = $("ul.slides li").width(); var SlideCount = $("ul.slides li").size(); var TotalWidth = SlideWidth * SlideCount; var StopPos = TotalWidth - SlideWidth; var CurPos = $("ul.slides").position().left; if (CurPos <= -StopPos) { $("ul.slides").animate({"left": "0"}); } if (CurPos > -StopPos) { $("ul.slides").animate({"left": "-="+SlideWidth+"px"}); } var slideId = (-CurPos + SlideWidth) / SlideWidth; var fSlideId = slideId + 1; var arrowTo = 85+(240*(fSlideId-1)); $('.slider-controls li').removeClass('active'); if (fSlideId < 5) { $('.slider-controls li.slide'+fSlideId+'').addClass('active'); $('div.slider-arrow').animate({"left": arrowTo}); } if (fSlideId == 5) { $('.slider-controls li.slide1').addClass('active'); $('div.slider-arrow').animate({"left": 85}); } }; $(function(){ var SlideWidth = $("ul.slides li").width(); var SlideCount = $("ul.slides li").size(); var TotalWidth = SlideWidth * SlideCount; var StopPos = TotalWidth - SlideWidth; var CurPos = $("ul.slides").position().left; timeout = setInterval('slider()',6000); $(window).width(); $("ul.slides").css("width",TotalWidth); $(".controls .leftarrow").click(function() { var CurPos = $("ul.slides").position().left; if (CurPos >= 0){ $("ul.slides").animate({"left": "-"+StopPos}) } if (CurPos < 0){ $("ul.slides").animate({"left": "+="+SlideWidth+"px"}) } }); $(".controls .rightarrow").click(function() { var CurPos = $("ul.slides").position().left; if (CurPos <= -StopPos) { $("ul.slides").animate({"left": "0"}) } if (CurPos > -StopPos) { $("ul.slides").animate({"left": "-=" + SlideWidth + "px"}) } }); $(".slider-controls").hover( function () { clearInterval(timeout); },function () { timeout = setInterval('slider()',4000); } ); });HTML
@H_404_22@<div id="slider"> <ul class="slides"> <li style="background-image: url(http://ethercreative.net/npseymour/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Innovation.jpeg);"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="grid_12"> <h1 class="title">Modern Innovation</h1> <p> <a href=""></a></p> </div> </div> </li> <li style="background-image: url(http://ethercreative.net/npseymour/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/specialist-equipment.jpg);"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="grid_12"> <h1 class="title">Specialist Equipment</h1> <p>NP Seymour have a range of packhouse and grading equipment <br /> <a href="http://www.google.com">Click here to view our products</a></p> </div> </div> </li> <li style="background-image: url(http://ethercreative.net/npseymour/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Home-Page-slider-3.jpeg);"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="grid_12"> <h1 class="title">Service and quality</h1> <p>Purveyors of high quality,extremely useful Agricultural Machinery and accessories.<br /> <a href="http://www.google.com/">Click here to view our products</a></p> </div> </div> </li> <li style="background-image: url(http://ethercreative.net/npseymour/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/slide-11.jpg);"> <div class="container_12"> <div class="grid_12"> <h1 class="title">Latest Technology</h1> <p>We specialise in orchard,vineyard and hop machinery<br /> <a href="http://www.google.com">Click here to view our products</a></p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="slider-controls"> <ul class="container_12"> <div class="slider-arrow"></div> <li class="alpha active slide1 grid_3"> <a href="javascript:;" rel="1">Modern Innovation</a> </li> <li class="slide2 grid_3"> <a href="javascript:;" rel="2">Specialist Equipment</a> </li> <li class="slide3 grid_3"> <a href="javascript:;" rel="3">Service and quality</a> </li> <li class=" omega slide4 grid_3"> <a href="javascript:;" rel="4">Latest Technology</a> </li> </ul> </div>解决方法
@H_404_22@$(function() { //rotation speed and timer var speed = 5000; var run = setInterval('rotate()',speed); //grab the width and calculate left value\ var screenWidth = $(window).width(); $("ul.slides li").css("width",screenWidth); $("ul.slides li").width(screenWidth); var fullWidth = $('ul.slides li').size() * $('ul.slides li').width(); $('ul.slides').css('width',fullWidth); var item_width = $('ul.slides li').width(); var left_value = item_width * (-1); //move the last item before first item,just in case user click prev button $('ul.slides li:first').before($('ul.slides li:last')); $('ul.slides li:first').before($('ul.slides li:last')); //set the default item to the correct position $('ul.slides').css({'left' : left_value}); //if user clicked on prev button $('a.controls.left').click(function() { //get the right position var left_indent = parseInt($('ul.slides').css('left')) + item_width; //slide the item $('ul.slides').animate({'left' : left_indent},1000,function(){ //move the last item and put it as first item $('ul.slides li:first').before($('ul.slides li:last')); //set the default item to correct position $('ul.slides').css({'left' : left_value}); }); //cancel the link behavior return false; }); //if user clicked on next button $('a.controls.right').click(function() { //get the right position var left_indent = parseInt($('ul.slides').css('left')) - item_width; //slide the item $('ul.slides').animate({'left' : left_indent},function () { //move the first item and put it as last item $('ul.slides li:last').after($('ul.slides li:first')); //set the default item to correct position $('ul.slides').css({'left' : left_value}); }); //cancel the link behavior return false; }); //if mouse hover,pause the auto rotation,otherwise rotate it $('ul.slides').hover( function() { clearInterval(run); },function() { run = setInterval('rotate()',speed); } ); }); //a simple function to click next link //a timer will call this function,and the rotation will begin :) function rotate() { var item_width = $('ul.slides li').width(); var left_value = item_width * (-1); //get the right position var left_indent = parseInt($('ul.slides').css('left')) - item_width; //slide the item $('ul.slides').animate({'left' : left_indent},function () { //move the first item and put it as last item $('ul.slides li:last').after($('ul.slides li:first')); //set the default item to correct position $('ul.slides').css({'left' : left_value}); }); }