getScript docs说成功回调:
var startTime = new Date(); $.getScript("test.js") .done(function( script,textStatus ) { console.log( textStatus ); console.log( "Done callback executing now.") }) .fail(function( jqxhr,settings,exception ) { console.log("error." ); });
console.log("ajaxed script starting to execute."); var newTime = new Date(); while (newTime - startTime < 5000) { newTime = new Date(); } console.log("elapsed time",newTime - startTime); console.log("ajaxed script finished executing.");
导致FF& amp;铬:
ajaxed script starting to execute. elapsed time 5000 ajaxed script finished executing. success Done callback executing now.
换句话说,成功回调在加载和执行加载的脚本之前不会触发.这似乎是因为在jQuery source中,globalEval函数立即调用脚本:
converters: { "text script": function( text ) { jQuery.globalEval( text ); return text; } }