jquery-ui datepicker组件,但月份和年份下拉列表是选择标签.
任何帮助将不胜感激 – 这是一个启动jsFiddle与jquery-ui datepicker https://jsfiddle.net/GeekOnGadgets/wra3pcsv/
// Replace a select element by a ul element var convertToList = function (inst,className) { var $selectElement = inst.dpDiv.find('.' + className); var $listElement = $('<ul class="{0} dateList"></ul>'.replace('{0}',className + '-list')).appendTo($selectElement.parent()); $selectElement.children(' option').each(function () { // Replace each option of the select element by a li element $listElement.append('<li class="dateListItem" value="{0}">{1}</li>'.replace('{0}',$(this).val()).replace('{1}',$(this).text())); }); $listElement.find('.dateListItem').click(function () { // When an item is clicked,set the corresponding value in // the original select element and trigger the change event $selectElement.val($(this).val()); $selectElement.change(); }).each(function () { // Add the selectedValue class to the selected item if ($(this).val() == $selectElement.val()) { $(this).addClass('selectedValue'); } }); }; // Replace the month and year select elements var convertToDatePickerWithLists = function (inst) { setTimeout(function () { inst.dpDiv.addClass('datePickerWithLists'); convertToList(inst,'ui-datepicker-month'); convertToList(inst,'ui-datepicker-year'); },0); }; // Associate the datepicker to the text input element $("#datepicker").datepicker({ changeMonth: true,changeYear: true,beforeShow: function (input,inst) { // Modify the datepicker when it is initially displayed convertToDatePickerWithLists(inst); },onChangeMonthYear: function (year,month,inst) { // Modify the datepicker every time the month/year is changed convertToDatePickerWithLists(inst); } });
.datePickerWithLists .ui-datepicker-year,.datePickerWithLists .ui-datepicker-month { display: none; /* Hide the original select elements */ } .datePickerWithLists .ui-datepicker-header { height: 20em; background: #D0D0D0; } .dateList { display: inline-block; list-style: none; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: top; margin: 0px; padding: 8px 0px 0px 0px; text-align: center; width: 40%; } .dateListItem { line-height: 1.4em; cursor: pointer; } .dateListItem.selectedValue { background-color: black; color: white; }
在讨论了GeekOnGadgets的具体需求之后,代码和样式已经过调整,如this jsfiddle所示.