DDD for Rails Developers

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了DDD for Rails Developers前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

DDD for Rails Developers. Part 1: Layered Architecture.


What is DDD?

There are many kinds of complexity that you have to deal with developing software and different kinds of applications will have very different sets of problems you need to solve. If you are building the next Twitter,scalability and fault-tolerance are the problems you are probably fighting. On the other hand,these problems are almost never an issue when working on enterprise applications. The complex domain is what you tackle when developing enterprise software. Business processes of a lot of companies are far from being trivial. Thus,refining the domain that provides loose coupling and will be flexible and maintainable in the future is extremely hard and requires a lot of practice and knowledge.


The Book

Eric Evans – the author of Domain Driven Design – coined the set of practices and terminology helping in tackling domain complexity. His book is a must read for every developer working on enterprise applications and I highly recommend it.

Eric Evans – 《领域驱动设计》作者 – 创建了一套做法和术语来帮助解决领域的复杂性。他的这本书对于每位企业应用开发者是必读的,强烈推荐。

@H_403_147@DDD and Rails Working more and more on large rails applications I’ve noticed that in many ways DDD and Rails contradict each other. Therefore,I’ve decided to write a short series of articles,which will be my attempt to reconcile both paradigms and to find a way to use DDD while not fighting Rails.


Before I start,I’d like to mention that I’m going to write about introducing DDD concepts to an existing application. Therefore,despite that Uncle Bob’s approach (check out this awesome talk) may look appealing,introducing it to an existing Rails application with hundreds of thousands lines of code is,probably,the last thing I want to do. Hence,everything I’m going to write about here is,in some way,a compromise.

在我开始前,我想提的是我打算写关于将DDD概念引入到一个现有的应用程序。因此,Bob叔叔的(check out this awesome talk)做法看起来可能有吸引力,将它引入到现在的应用程序(可能有成百上千行代码),这是我最后想做的。故,我需要在这里写明一下,某种程度上是一种妥协。

Layered Architecture 分层体系结构

One of the core concepts of Domain Driven Design is the layered architecture. Let’s take a look at what it is,what kind of benefits it brings,and how a typical Rails application violates this fundamental concept.


First of all,the term “Layered Architecture” means that you partition an application into layers:


*、User Interface. Responsible for showing information to the user and processing the user’s input.


*、Application Layer. This layer is supposed to be thin and it should not contain any domain logic. It can have functionality that is valuable for the business but is not “domain” specific. This includes generating reports,sending email notifications etc.


*、Domain Layer. Responsible for describing business processes. Abstract domain concepts (including entities,business rules) must be contained in this layer. In contrast,persistence,message sending do not belong here.


*、Infrastructure Layer. Responsible for persistence,messaging,email delivery etc.


The most important idea behind this architecture is that every layer should depend only on the layers beneath it. Thus,all dependencies have the same direction. For instance,the domain layer might depend on some pieces of infrastructure but not the other way around.


Layered Architecture and Rails

Now let’s take a look at the most common violations of the layered architecture I see in typical Rails applications:


*、Domain objects serialize themselves into JSON or XML. In my opinion,there is no big difference between representing an object as a piece of html and representing it as lf a piece of JSON. Both are meant to be consumed by external systems,both are parts of the UI layer. So every time you override the as_json method you violate the core idea of the layered architecture – you change the direction of your dependencies between layers. Your domain objects start being aware of the UI.

领域对象序列化到JSON或XML。 在我看来,用一大片html和用一大片JSON代表一个对象没有大的区别。两者都意味着要消耗外部系统,都是UI层的组成部分。所以每次覆盖as_json方法,你都违背了分层结构的核心思想-你改变了你的层与层之间的依赖关系的方向。你的领域对象开始意识到UI。

*、Controllers contain big chunks of business logic. Usually,it’s a few calls to the domain layer and then persisting changes using low-level methods such as update_attributes. So next time you go and call update_attributes inside a controller,stop and think again: most likely you are doing it wrong. Thankfully,most Rails developers have already realized that this kind of controllers hard to maintain. I believe,there is no excuse for doing it – even for small applications.


*、Domain objects perform all sorts of infrastructure related tasks. As a community we agreed not to write fat controllers,but we hit another problem – “Swiss army knife” domain objects. Such objects,besides describing the business,can also connect to a remote service,generate a pdf or send an email. If you come across such an object it needs to be split into at least two: one that is responsible for the domain knowledge and others for performing infrastructure related tasks.


Most of these problems can be fixed. Let’s take a look at all of them to see what can be done.


*、Domain objects know too much about the database. If you extend your domain objects fromActiveRecordyou couple the domain layer to the infrastructure layer. Your domain objects play two roles at the same time. This kind of coupling makes them almost impossible to test in isolation.


Make a Separate Class for JSON Serialization 为JSON序列编制一个单独的类

You should never override as_json or other similar methods in your domain classes. Remember,that the responsibility of the domain layer is to reflect the business concepts. I have not worked on a domain where JSON was an important concept. Therefore,if you are not writing a JSON parser,move all JSON related stuff out of your domain.


Imagine a controller having an action that looks like this:


def update
  p = Person.find(params[:id])
  if p.update_bank_information params[:bank_information]
    render :json => p.as_json
    render :json => "some kind of error"
@H_403_404@  end

This Gistis brought to you usingSimple Gist Embed.@H_404_414@If you need to customize the JSON serialization of the Person class,don’t do it inside the Person class. Create a separate module (e.g.PersonJsonSerializer,PersonJsonifier) that will be responsible for it.如果你需要为Person类定制JSON序列化,不要在Persion类里面做。创建一个单独的module(例如:PersonJsonSerializer,PersonJsonifier)来完成它。

module PersonJsonSerializer
  def self.as_json person
    if person.errors.present?
      person.as_json(:root => "root-attrs")
      {:errors => person.errors.full_messages}
This Gist is brought to you using Simple Gist Embed.ddd_example1_2.rbNow,your controller will look like this:


def update
  p = Person.find(params[:id])
  p.update_bank_information params[:bank_information]
  render :json => PersonJsonSerializer.as_json(p)
What have we achieved by moving the JSON serialization to a separate class?将JSON序列化移到一个单独的类,我们得到了什么?

*、Our domain remains abstract without any knowledge about the UI.


*、We split two responsibilities: being a person and serializing it to a JSON. If we didn’t do it,the Single Resposibility Principle would have been violated.


*、In addition,we made our controller easier to test. You don’t even need a real person object to test the serializer. Just stub it out. Also,you don’t need to check two branches of that if statement in your functional tests. You can just stub the serializer out. So instead of two tests,we have only one.


Controllers Don’t Contain Any Logic 控制器不包含任何逻辑

In a nutshell,controllers should not contain any logic apart from parsing the user’s input or rendering proper templates. If you have a piece of business logic inside a controller move it to the domain layer. There is a misunderstanding that the domain layer consists of only persisted objects. And when you have a complex operations involving several objects you need to orchestrate it inside a controller. This is just wrong. If none of your entities seems to be a good place for this functionality,create a service class (or a module) and put it there.


Imagine,we have such an action:


def sell_book
  @book = Book.find(params[:id])
  if book.sold?
    book.errors.add :base,"The book is already sold"
A better way to do it:


def sell_book
  @book = Book.find(params[:id])
We’ve achieved:


*、The controller is easier to test. When before we would have to have two tests,after our change is done we need only one.


*、In addition to making our controller easier to test,we’ve made the business logic part explicit and also easier to test.@H_301_670@


Domain Objects Should Not Know Anything About Infrastructure Underneath 领域对象不应该知道任务关于基础架构下面的

In short,the domain layer should be abstract. This means that all dependencies on any kind of external services don’t belong there. Imagine that we are developing a blogging engine and one of the requirements is to send a tweet each time a post is published. What is considered to be an “OK” practice is to handle it in the after_create hook:

总之,领域层应该是抽象的。这意味着,所有依赖任何外部的服务都不属于那里。设想,我们正在开发一个blog引擎的要求之一是每次tweet后发表。使用after_create 钩子来处理它,是一个被认为好的实践方法

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments
  after_create :send_tweet

  def send_tweet
    twitter = Twitter.login(username,password)
    twitter.send_tweet generate_tweet_from_subject(subject)
Even though it’s only a few lines of code and doesn’t look like much,it is a big deal. Firstly,you’ll have to stub out the Twitter service in all unit tests,which is not what you usually want to test. Secondly,it violates the Single Responsibility Principle,as storing information about a post is not the same as sending notifications to Twitter. Sending this kind of notifications is rather a side effect,an additional service,which is not a part of the core domain. Finally,Twitter can be unavailable and accessing it synchronously is not a good idea anyway.@H_301_742@


There are several ways of decoupling our model from infrastructure. One of them is to observe the Post class:


class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments

class TwitterNotification < ActiveRecord::Observer
  observe :post

  def after_create post
    twitter = Twitter.login(username,password)
    twitter.send_tweet generate_tweet_from_subject(post.subject)
Even better way of doing it is moving all the responsibilities of generating tweets from the observer to theTwitterServiceclass:


class TwitterNotification < ActiveRecord::Observer
  observe :post

  def after_create post
    TwitterService.send_tweet post.subject

class TwitterService
  def self.send_tweet subject
    twitter = Twitter.login(username,password)
    twitter.send_tweet generate_tweet_from_subject(subject)
In summary,extracting this responsibility from the Post class has helped us to achieve the following:


*、It’s easier to test the Post class as you don’t need to stub Twitter out in every test.


*、Testing theTwitterServiceclass is also straightforward. We even don’t need an instance of Post to do it.


*、We made the domain boundaries of our application explicit. We have the core domain and we have Twitter integration: two completely different domains and,as a result,two classes separated from each other by an observer.


*、Having an object responsible for integration with Twitter allows us to change its functionality (for instance,make it asynchronous) without touching the core domain.


Isolate ActiveRecord 孤立的ActiveRecord

I left the hardest problem to the end: coupling withActiveRecord. Since the domain should be abstract the database schema should not affect how we design our entities. However,we all live in the real world and that’s why it never happens. The following things you should consider developing your domain: what objects are transient,if it’s easy to map the graph of objects into your relation schema,performance etc. Taking all these properties into account is important. However,you should not design your domain in a way that it’s impossible to test it without using the database.


The DDD approach is to extract a separate layer responsible for persistence. For instance:


class PostsRepository
  def find_by_id id

  def new_posts_of_author author

  def save post
Having a separate object responsible for persistence simplifies testing a lot and makes it possible to provide alternative implementations. For instance,it’s a common practice to implement sqlPostsRepository andInMemoryPostsRepository. Therefore,you can use the first once for your integration tests and the second one for your unit tests. When your domain is not coupled toActiveRecord,implementing repositories is a way to go. However,it won’t give you much when all your domain objects extendActiveRecord::Base. Thus,I use a compromise variant of the repository pattern: put all persistence related methods into a separate module and just extend it.

有一个单独的对象负责持久化,大量简化了测试,使它可以提供替代实现。例如,它是一种常见的做法,实现sqlPostsRepository 和InMemoryPostsRepository。因此,你可以使用第一个为你的集成测试,第二个为你的单元测试。当你的领域没有耦合到ActiveRecord,要实现资源库有很长的路要走。但,它不会给你太多,当所有的领域对象扩展ActiveRecord::Base。因此,我用一个折衷的存储模式变化:把所有持久化关系方法放到一个单独的模块并扩展它。

module PostsRepository
  def new_posts_of_author author

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend PostsRepository

Post.new_posts_of_author "Jim"
Having a separate module comprising all the logic related to persistence benefits us in the following ways:


*、It provides separation of concerns. Post is a business object andPostsRepositoryis responsible for persistence.


*、It makes mocking the persistent layer straightforward.


*、Providing an in-memory implementation of Repository becomes straightforward too: Post.extendInMemoryPostsRepository。@H_502_1142@


Summary 总结

Tackling domain complexity is hard. The bigger your application grows the harder it gets. Jamming everything together works fine for small apps but breaks apart when you have to deal with large applications. Just applying the principles of the layered architecture can help a lot.


However,there is much more in Domain Driven Design that just partitioning your application into layers: entities and values,services and factories,aggregate roots,domain boundaries,anticorruption layers and more. Understanding these concepts and principles and applying them can be really useful for all Rails developers. I’m going to continue writing on these topics.


DDD for Rails Developers. Part 2: Entities and Values


In my prevIoUs article about DDD for Rails Developers,I talked about using the layered architecture for tackling domain complexity. I showed a few typical violations of the layered architecture and gave some advice on how to fix them.

在我的上篇关于“DD for Rails Developers”文章中,我谈到了关于使用层架构来解决领域的复杂性。我展示了一些典型的违反分层架构,并就如何解决这些问题提出了些建议。

The Building Blocks of Domain Driven Design 为领域驱动设计构建块

This time I’d like to start talking about the building blocks of Domain Driven Design,and how they can be used for modeling.


Entities and Values 实体和值

In Domain Driven Design,an important distinction is drawn between Entities and Value Objects.


*、“An Entity is an object defined not by its attributes,but by a thread of continuity and identity.” An example of an Entity would be a bank account. Many bank accounts can exist in our system at the same time. Some of them can be assigned to the same branch or have the same owner,but it’s important for our system to treat them as different accounts as long as they have different identities. In case of a Rails application,an identity of an Entity is usually represented by an auto-generated primary key.


*、“A Value Object is an object that describes some characteristic or attribute but carries no concept of identity.” As there is no identity,two Value Objects are equal when all their attributes are equal. An example of a Value Object would be Money.


More on Entities 关于实体更多

又称为Reference object,很多对象不是通过它们的属性定义的,而是通过一连串的连续事件和标识定义的。

In the Rails community we have a good understanding of what Entities are. Practically,almost every object extendingActiveRecord::Base is an Entity.


Entities have the following characteristics:


*、Entities care about their identity. The identity is usually represented by an auto-generated primary key,which is used to compare two Entities.


*、They are mutable. The only field that cannot be changed is the primary key.


*、They have long lives. Most Entities are never deleted from the database.


*、Since Entities are mutable and long-lived,they usually have a complex life cycle:


* An Entity Object is created. 一个实体对象是被创建。
* It is saved in the database. 它是被保存在数据库中。
* It is read from the database. 从数据库中读取。
* It is updated. 被更新。
* It is deleted (or marked as deleted). 被删除(或被标记删除
Due to mutability and a complex life cycle,dealing with Entities is complicated. Therefore,every time you define an Entity,think over how you are going to persist it,what attributes you have to make mutable,what Aggregate (more on Aggregates in the next post) should contain it,etc.


More on Values 更多关于值

Value Objects,on the other hand,are underused in the Rails community. As a result,most Rails applications suffer from Primitive Obsession:


*、Primitive values such as integers and strings are used to represent important concepts of the domain.


Firstly,as the logic of dealing with a group of attributes is spread out over dozens of classes,Primitive Obsession is usually a source of code duplication. Secondly,using primitives instead of domain specific abstractions clutters high-level services with unnecessary details and makes the intent of your code unclear. Value Objects offer a good remedy for Primitive Obsession.

首先,作为处理一组属性的逻辑是分散在各类中,原始的痴迷通常是源码重复。 其次,使用原语替代领域特定的抽象混乱高层服务和不必要的细节导致你的代码目的不清晰。值对象提供了一个很好的补救原始痴迷。

Value Objects have the following characteristics:


*、Value Objects have no identity.


*、They are immutable. For instance,adding 3 to 5 does not change any of these values. A new value is returned instead. Ideally,working with Value Objects should feel like working with primitives.


*、Value Objects do not have a complex life cycle.


Creating Value Objects in Rails 在Rails中创建值对象

There are many ways of creating and managing Value Objects in Rails,and I’d like to show three of them.@H_455_1502@


Use composed_of 使用composed_of


*、Blog has many Posts.


*、Every Post has many Comments.


*、Posts and Comments have location attributes associated with them.


We can create Posts and Comments this way:


blog = Blog.create
post = blog.make_post text: 'great post',location_country: 'Canada',location_city: 'Toronto'
post.make_comment text: 'great comment',location_city: 'Toronto'
We can also search them by their location:


class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base

  def all_posts_from country,city

  def all_comments_from country,city
In addition to this,we have a presenter to display the location attributes:


class LocationPresenter
  def initialize country,city
As you can see,we always use the country and city attributes together. Even when I was explaining the application behavior I wrote: ‘by their location’. Apart from having duplication we’ve missed an important part of our domain. There is a notion of a location that our model (our code) does not reflect. Let’s fix it.


Let’s start with defining a class that will encapsulate the location attributes:


class Location < Struct.new(:country,:city)
Now we need to configure Post to wrap location_country and location_city into an instance of Location:

现在我们需要配置Post封装location_country 和 location_city, 进入位置的一个实例:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  composed_of :location,mapping: [%w(location_country country),                                   %w(location_city city)]

  def self.all_posts_from location
    Post.where location: location
This is the result of our refactoring:


blog.make_post text: 'great post 2',location: Location.new('Canada','Toronto')
The biggest gain after this refactoring is making an important concept of our domain explicit in the source code. Also,extracting a Value Object helped us to raise the level of abstraction,which leads to more readable code:


def Toronto


blog.make_post text: 'great post',location: Toronto

Value Objects Extending ActiveRecord::Base

Some people say that everything extendingActiveRecord::Base is an Entity. I disagree with this opinion. In my view,it doesn’t really matter how you implement your Value Objects as long as they have neither state nor identity.


Let’s define the Location class:


class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :city,:uniqueness => {:scope => :country}

  def self.get country,city
    location = Location.find_by_country_and_city(country,city)
    raise "There is no '#{city}' in '#{country}'" unless location

Using Location stays pretty much the same:


toronto = Location.get('Canada','Toronto')
blog.make_post text: 'great post 2',location: toronto
Such requirements as supervising the list of all possible locations dynamically or attaching some additional information to every object (for example,a link to a wikipedia article) may push your decision in favor of this approach.


Plain Old Ruby Objects 纯旧Ruby对象

Those developers who learned Ruby via Rails tend to solve all their problems using Rails building blocks. Need to persist something? It’s onlyActiveRecord. Need a Value Object? Use composed_of. Everything that does not use Rails feels dirty for them. For example,all models not extendingActiveRecord::Base go to the lib folder. Even though it may work for small applications,building a complex model will require using Factories,Services,Value Objects,etc. Therefore,don’t be afraid of implementing a Value Object without Rails at all.


Summary 总结

To sum up,Entities and Value Objects are extremely important. They are the core elements of object models. Thus,software developers should have a solid understanding of differences between them.


DDD for Rails Developers. Part 3: Aggregates.


关于Aggregate 这里做一些补充说明

Aggregate 就是一组相关对象的集合,我们把它作为数据修改的单元。每个Aggregate都有一个根(root)和一个边界(boundary)。边界定义了Aggregate内部都有什么。根则是Aggregate中所包含的一个特定Entity。在Aggregate中,根是唯一允许外部对象保持对它的引用 的元素,而边界内部的对象之间则可以互相引用。除根以外的其它entity都有本地标识,但这些标识只有在Aggregate内部才需要加以区别,因为外部对象除了根entity之外看不到其它对象。

汽车配件工厂的软件可能会使用一个汽车模型。汽车是一个具有全局标识的Entity:我们需要将这部汽车与世界上所有其它汽车区分开(即使是一些非常相似的汽车)。我们可以使车辆识别号来进行区分,车辆识别号是为每辆新汽车分配的唯一标识符。我们可能想跟踪4个轮胎的历史转数。我们可能想知道每个轮胎的里程数和磨损度。要想知道哪个轮胎在哪儿,必须将轮胎标识为entity。但我们可能不会关心这些轮胎在这辆汽车上下文之外的标识。如果更换了轮胎并将旧轮胎送到回收厂,那么软件将不再需要跟踪它们,它们会成为一堆废旧轮胎中的一部分。没有人会关心它们的转动历史。更重要的是,即使轮胎被 安在汽车上,也不会有人要系统中查询特定的轮胎,然后看看这个轮胎在哪辆汽车上。人们只会在数据库中查找汽车,然后临时查看一下这部汽车的轮胎情况。因此,汽车是Aggregate的根entity,而轮胎只是牌这个Aggregate的边界之内。另一方面,发动机组上面都刻有序列号,而且有时是独立于汽车被跟踪的。在一些应用程序中,发动机可以是自己的Aggregate根。

仔细地简化和约束模型的关联是通往Model-driven design的必经之路。

My PrevIoUs Articles About DDD for Rails Developers 我之前关于DDD为Rails开发人员的文章

In Part 1,I talked about using the layered architecture for tackling domain complexity. I showed a few typical violations of the layered architecture and gave some advice on how to fix them.


In Part 2,I started talking about the building blocks of Domain Driven Design. I wrote about an important distinction between Entities and Value Objects. I also gave some advice on how to implement Value Objects in Rails.


Aggregates 数据修改的单元

This time I’d like to go into another building block of Domain Driven Design. I’d like to talk about Aggregates.


We’ve all experienced this situation before:


You start with nicely designed groups of objects. All the objects have clear responsibilities,and all interactions among them are explicit. Then,you have to consider additional requirements,such as transactions,integration with external systems,event generation. Satisfying all of them and not making all the objects interconnected is a nontrivial task. What usually happens is database hooks,conditional validations,and remote calls are added on an ad hoc basis. The result is more connections among objects. Hence,the boundaries of object groups become fuzzy and enforcing invariants becomes harder. Remember all the cases when you were thinking,“Maybe I need to reload this object?” It indicates that your objects are interconnected,and you cannot reason about your code with confidence. Instead,you just guess.


Defining Aggregates is a good remedy for the described situation.


*、“An Aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that are treated as a unit for the purpose of data changes.”


*、An Aggregate consists of a few Entities and Value Objects,one of which is chosen to be the root of the Aggregate.


*、All external references are restricted to the root. Objects outside the Aggregate can hold references to the root only.


*、Accessing other members of the Aggregate happens through the root. Therefore,nobody (outside the Aggregate) should hold references to those objects.


*、As all external objects can hold reference only to the root,enforcing invariants becomes easier.


*、Aggregates help to reduce the number of bidirectional associations among objects in the system because you are allowed to store references only to the root. That significantly simplifies the design and reduces the number of blindsided changes in the object graph.


Example 举例

It may sound too abstract,so I’d like to show you an example. I’m going to model an online bookstore. The main responsibility of the model will be selling and shipping books. Hopefully the example will bring some clarity to the definition of Aggregates and will demonstrate how they can be implemented in Rails.


Sketch 草图

This is a sketch illustrating all the classes that will form the model.



*、Entities: Order,Item,User,Book,Payment


*、Value Objects: Address






Defining Aggregate Boundaries 定义Aggregate边界

@H_964_2301@ Now,after I am done with sketching,I can establish Aggregate boundaries and choose roots.


There are a few rules of thumb to use:


*、Entities forming the parent-child relationship,most likely,should form an Aggregate. In this case,the parent class becomes the root.


*、Entities that are semantically close to each other are good candidates for forming an Aggregate as well. For instance,Book and Payment have no obvIoUs connections with each other. Having them inside an Aggregate is awkward. On the other hand,Order and Item are closely related. Thus,we should consider putting them inside an Aggregate.

在语义上彼此接近的实体也是一个形成Aggregate的很好候选。例如, Book and Payment 彼此没有明显的联系。让他们在一个Aggregate是很尴尬的。另一方面,Order and Item 关系是很接近的。因此,我们应该考虑把它们Aggregate。

*、If two Entities have to be modified inside a transaction,they should be parts of the same Aggregate.




These rules should just help you get started. After your first sketch you should look at all the invariants that need to be maintained and finalize your Aggregate boundaries based on them.


As you may have already guessed,Order and Item form an Aggregate. What other Entities should we include? Including Book does not make much sense because I can easily imagine clients using Book without Order (e.g. you may need to display the list of all available books in the store).Including User into the same Aggregate with Order is not the best idea either. Just imagine if User becomes the root,you will have to access all the orders of a user through the user itself. Furthermore,updating two orders of the same user simultaneously will be tricky. Clearly neither Book nor User should be a part of the Aggregate.

你也许已经猜到,Order和Item形成一个Aggregate。我们应该有什么样的其它实体,包含哪些内容?包含书没有太多意义,因为我可以轻意想像客户无需订购书(例如:你可能需要显示所有可用书在书店的列表中)。包括将User和Order Aggregate不是一个最好的主意。只需设想,如果用户成为根,你将不得不通过用户本身访问用户所有的订单。此外,同时更新两个相同用户的订单是非常棘手的。显然,Book和User不应该是Aggregate的一部分。

The situation with the Payment class is different. Conceptually,Payment is an important part of Order. Also,you cannot simultaneously pay for an Order and modify it. It’s decided,Payment becomes a part of the Aggregate.@H_31_2404@


An updated sketch with the defined boundary:


Implementation 实现

Let’s get started with the code. First,let’s define the Book and User classes:

让我们开始代码,首先,我们定义 Book 和 User 类:@H_193_2502@@H_301_2506@

class Book
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,Serial
  property :title,String
  property :author,String
  property :price,Decimal

class User
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,Serial
  property :name,String

  property :address_country,String
  property :address_city,String

  validates_presence_of :name

  def address= address
    self.address_country = address.country
    self.address_city = address.city

  def address

class Address < Struct.new(:country,:city)
There is nothing really interesting here. There are two Entities (Book and User) and one Value Object (Address). It gets interesting when we implement the Order and Item classes:

这里没有什么真正有趣的。有两个实体(Book 和 User)和一个值对象 (Address) 。 当我们实现 Order 和 Item 类时变得有趣。

class Order
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,Serial,key: true
  property :status,Enum[:new,:ready,:paid,:shipped,:closed,:canceled]

  belongs_to :buyer,'User'
  has n,:items
  has 1,:payment

  property :shipping_address_country,String
  property :shipping_address_city,String

  def shipping_address= address
    self.shipping_address_country = address.country
    self.shipping_address_city = address.city

  def shipping_address

  def self.make buyer
    create buyer: buyer,shipping_address: buyer.address,status: :new

  def self.get buyer,id

  def self.all_orders buyer

  def self.active_orders buyer

  def make_item book,quantity
    ensure_status :new

    amount = book.price * quantity
    items.create book: book,quantity: quantity,amount: amount

  def make_payment masked_card
    ensure_status :ready

    self.payment = Payment.new(masked_card: masked_card,amount: total_amount)
    self.status = :paid

  def mark_as_ready

  def mark_as_shipped

  def total_amount


  def ensure_status required_status
    raise InvalidOrderStatus.new(self) if status != required_status

class Item
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,Serial
  belongs_to :book

  property :quantity,Integer
  property :amount,Decimal

class Payment
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,Serial
  property :masked_card,String
  property :amount,Decimal

  property :created_at,DateTime
  property :updated_at,DateTime
That is how the creation of an order may look like:


buyer = current_user
@H_279_3010@order = Order.make buyer
@H_697_3014@#At this moment: 
@H_438_3016@#order.shipping_address == buyers_address
@H_61_3018@#order.status == :new

order.make_item book1,2
order.make_item book2,3
Reading the same order from the database may look like this:


order = Order.get(buyer,params[:id])
There are a few important things I’d like to point out:


*、All items and payments are created through an instance of Order.

所有的items 和 payments 是通过一个Order实例创建的。

*、I don’t update attributes of an Order directly.


*、I don’t useDataMappermethods directly. I wrote a few methods to decouple our model fromDataMapperas much as possible.


*、There are no bidirectional associations. Every order knows about its items,but the items don’t have any references to their orders. Why? Because they don’t need to. Order is the root; therefore,any client can get an item only through its order. This means that an item’s order will always be known. * Bidirectional associations are a bad practice established in the Rails community. If you can avoid it,please,do it.


*、A user does not know about its orders. Apart from the fact that it’s an unnecessary bidirectional association,it also makes testing much harder.


Don’t believe me? Take a look at this line of code:


@all_orders = current_user.orders.active
It looks so simple. Some people might even say that it’s nicer than this one:


@all_orders = Order.active_orders(user)


order = ...
stub(orders = Object.new).active {[order]}
stub(user = Object.new).orders {orders}
stub(UserSession).current_user {user}


order = ...
stub(UserSession).current_user {user}
The second test is much easier to read and understand. In addition,in large applications such models as User tend to grow. In a few years,you may get the User class having many orders,promotions,friends,wish lists etc.


Accessing Our Model in View 在View中访问我们的模型

Please,don’t be mistaken. The fact that Order is the root of the Aggregate does not mean I cannot access its payment or items. Of course,I can. The only rule is not to store references to those objects. For instance,I’d probably need a presenter. As presenters store references to the objects they present,creatingItemPresenterorPaymentPresenteris a violation of the Aggregate boundary. Instead,we can createOrderPresenterand pass an instance of Order to it.OrderPresentercan access the order’s items or payment through the order itself.

请不要误会。实事上,Order是Aggregate的根,并非意味着我不能访问它的payment或items. 当然,我能。唯一的规则是不要存储引用到这些对象。例如,我想可能需要一个presenter. 随着presenters 引用他们存储的对象,创建一个ItemPresenterPaymentPresenter是违反Aggregate边界。相反,我们可以创建OrderPresenter,通过一个Order的实例。OrderPresenter能访问order的items或payment通过订单本身。

class OrderPresenter < Struct.new(:order)
  def render_items
    order.items.map do |item|
      item_row item


  def item_row item
    "<div>#{item.book.title} - #{item.quantity} - #{item.amount}</div>"

Invariants 固定规则


Remember that Aggregates are not only about access restriction. They also define the boundaries of invariants and transactions. There is a common opinion that those invariants must be enforced by the root. It’s also common to make the root responsible for managing all transactions. Although sometimes it may make perfect sense,there are lots of situations when it does not. Just to give you an example,let’s take a look at thePaymentServiceclass:


module PaymentService
  def self.process order,credit_card
    with_transaction do
      order.make_payment mask_card(credit_card)
      make_remote_call credit_card,order.payment

PaymentServicehas several responsibilities. First,it masks the credit card. Next,it updates the database to mark the order as paid. After that,it makes a remote call to some external service that processes credit card transactions. Also,it wraps everything into a transaction.PaymentServiceensures an important invariant that updating the status of the order and making the remote call must be done together. An alternative would be to make Order responsible for calling external services. The result would be a violation of Single Responsibility Principle and a few nasty dependencies of Order on external payment systems.


Wrapping Up 封装

Sometimes invariants need to be applied not to discrete objects,but to clusters of objects. Defining Aggregates and restricting access to Aggregate members is an arrangement that makes enforcing all the invariants possible.

