当使用synchronized关键字来保护代码块时,必须把对象引用作为传入参数。通常情况下,使用this关键字来引用执行方法所属的对象,也可以使用其他的对象对其进行引用。 一般来说,这些对象就是为这个目的而创建的。例如,在类中有两个非依赖属性,它们被 多个线程共享,你必须同步每一个变量的访问,但是同一时刻只允许一个线程访问一个属性变量,其他某个线程访问另一个属性变量。
package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.core; import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.task.Cinema; import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.task.TicketOffice1; import com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.task.TicketOffice2; /** * Core class of the example. Creates a cinema and two threads for * the ticket office. Run the threads to analyze the results obtained * */ public class Main { /** * Main method of the example * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Creates a Cinema Cinema cinema=new Cinema(); // Creates a TicketOffice1 and a Thread to run it TicketOffice1 ticketOffice1=new TicketOffice1(cinema); Thread thread1=new Thread(ticketOffice1,"TicketOffice1"); // Creates a TicketOffice2 and a Thread to run it TicketOffice2 ticketOffice2=new TicketOffice2(cinema); Thread thread2=new Thread(ticketOffice2,"TicketOffice2"); // Starts the threads thread1.start(); thread2.start(); try { // Waits for the finalization of the threads thread1.join(); thread2.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Print the vacancies in the cinemas System.out.printf("Room 1 Vacancies: %d\n",cinema.getVacanciesCinema1()); System.out.printf("Room 2 Vacancies: %d\n",cinema.getVacanciesCinema2()); } }
package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.task; public class Cinema { /** * This two variables store the vacancies in two cinemas */ private long vacanciesCinema1; private long vacanciesCinema2; /** * Two objects for the synchronization. ControlCinema1 synchronizes the * access to the vacancesCinema1 attribute and controlCinema2 synchronizes * the access to the vacanciesCinema2 attribute. */ private final Object controlCinema1,controlCinema2; /** * Constructor of the class. Initializes the objects */ public Cinema(){ controlCinema1=new Object(); controlCinema2=new Object(); vacanciesCinema1=20; vacanciesCinema2=20; } /** * This method implements the operation of sell tickets for the cinema 1 * @param number number of tickets sold * @return true if the tickets are sold,false if there is no vacancies */ public boolean sellTickets1 (int number) { synchronized (controlCinema1) { if (number<vacanciesCinema1) { vacanciesCinema1-=number; return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * This method implements the operation of sell tickets for the cinema 2 * @param number number of tickets sold * @return true if the tickets are sold,false if there is no vacancies */ public boolean sellTickets2 (int number){ synchronized (controlCinema2) { if (number<vacanciesCinema2) { vacanciesCinema2-=number; return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * This method implements the operation of return tickets for the cinema 1 * @param number number of the tickets returned * @return true */ public boolean returnTickets1 (int number) { synchronized (controlCinema1) { vacanciesCinema1+=number; return true; } } /** * This method implements the operation of return tickets for the cinema 1 * @param number number of the tickets returned * @return true */ public boolean returnTickets2 (int number) { synchronized (controlCinema2) { vacanciesCinema2+=number; return true; } } /** * Return the vacancies in the cinema 1 * @return the vacancies in the cinema 1 */ public long getVacanciesCinema1() { return vacanciesCinema1; } /** * Return the vacancies in the cinema 2 * @return the vacancies in the cinema 2 */ public long getVacanciesCinema2() { return vacanciesCinema2; } }
package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.task; /** * This class simulates a ticket office. It sell or return tickets * for the two cinemas * */ public class TicketOffice1 implements Runnable { /** * The cinema */ private Cinema cinema; /** * Constructor of the class * @param cinema the cinema */ public TicketOffice1 (Cinema cinema) { this.cinema=cinema; } /** * Core method of this ticket office. Simulates selling and returning tickets */ @Override public void run() { cinema.sellTickets1(3); cinema.sellTickets1(2); cinema.sellTickets2(2); cinema.returnTickets1(3); cinema.sellTickets1(5); cinema.sellTickets2(2); cinema.sellTickets2(2); cinema.sellTickets2(2); } }
package com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter2.recipe2.task; /** * This class simulates a ticket office. It sell or return tickets * for the two cinemas * */ public class TicketOffice2 implements Runnable { /** * The cinema */ private Cinema cinema; /** * Constructor of the class * @param cinema the cinema */ public TicketOffice2(Cinema cinema){ this.cinema=cinema; } /** * Core method of this ticket office. Simulates selling and returning tickets */ @Override public void run() { cinema.sellTickets2(2); cinema.sellTickets2(4); cinema.sellTickets1(2); cinema.sellTickets1(1); cinema.returnTickets2(2); cinema.sellTickets1(3); cinema.sellTickets2(2); cinema.sellTickets1(2); } }
备注:这个例子使用了一个对象来控制对vacanciesCinema1属性的访问,所以同一时间只有一个线程能够修改这个属性:使用了另一个对象来控制vacanciesCinema2属性的访问,所以同一时间只有一个线程能够修改这个属性。但是,这个例子允许同时运行两个线 程:一个修改vacancesCinemal属性,另一个修改vacanciesCinema2属性。