Dependency Injection 依赖注入(官方原文翻译)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Dependency Injection 依赖注入(官方原文翻译)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that deals with how components get hold of their dependencies.

依赖注入是一个软件设计规则 用来 解决:组件怎样得到他们的依赖

The Angular injector subsystem is in charge of creating components,resolving their dependencies,and providing them to other components as requested.

Angular 注入器 辅助系统 负责 创建组件,得到组件的依赖,提供组件自身到别的组件 ,当别的组件请求这些组件时。

Using Dependency Injection
DI is pervasive throughout Angular. You can use it when defining components or when providing runand configblocks for a module.

DI在Angular里是无处不在的。你可以在为一个模块 定义组件 或 规定run和config块的时候使用它。

  • Components such as services,directives,filters,and animations are defined by an injectable factory method or constructor function. These components can be injected with "service" and "value" components as dependencies.
    组件像 services,filters和 animations 都是通过可被注入的工厂函数或构造函数定义的。

  • Controllers are defined by a constructor function,which can be injected with any of the "service" and "value" components as dependencies,but they can also be provided with special dependencies. See Controllersbelow for a list of these special dependencies.

  • The runmethod accepts a function,which can be injected with "service","value" and "constant" components as dependencies. Note that you cannot inject "providers" into runblocks.

  • The config method accepts a function,which can be injected with "provider" and "constant" components as dependencies. Note that you cannot inject "service" or "value" components into configuration.

SeeModulesfor more details aboutrunandconfigblocks.

Factory Methods

The way you define a directive,service,or filter is with a factory function. The factory methods are registered with modules. The recommended way of declaring factories is:
angular.module('myModule', []).factory('serviceId', ['depService', function(depService) { // ...}]).directive('directiveName',136)">// ...}]).filter('filterName',136)">// ...}]);

Module Methods

We can specify functions to run at configuration and run time for a module by calling the configand runmethods. These functions are injectable with dependencies just like the factory functions above.
我们可以指定运行的函数在配置阶段 和 run 的时候 通过调用module上的config和run方法。这些函数是可被注入依赖的,就像上面的工厂函数那样。
 []).config(['depProvider', function(depProvider) { // ...}]).run([ Controllers 
Controllers are "classes" or "constructor functions" that are responsible for providing the application behavior that supports the declarative markup in the template. The recommended way of declaring Controllers is using the array notation:
Controllers 是 "classes"或"constructor functions",负责提供应用的行为用来支持模板中的指令标签。推荐定义控制器的方法是使用array注释:
someModule.controller('MyController',68)">'$scope', 'dep1',68)">'dep2', function($scope, dep1, dep2) { ... $scope.aMethod = function() { ... } ...}]);
Unlike services,there can be many instances of the same type of controller in an application.
Moreover,additional dependencies are made available to Controllers:
而且,追加的依赖 也可被Controllers获取
  • $scope: Controllers are associated with an element in the DOM and so are provided with access to thescope. Other components (like services) only have access to the$rootScopeservice.
$scope: 控制器是和DOM中的一个元素关联的,所以能够访问$scope。其他组件(像services)只能访问$rootScope服务。
  • resolves: If a controller is instantiated as part of a route,then any values that are resolved as part of the route are made available for injection into the controller.
resolves: 如果一个controller 被作为route的一部分实例化,那么任何作为路由一部分得到的值 是可注入进controller的。

Dependency Annotation

Angular invokes certain functions (like service factories and controllers) via the injector. You need to annotate these functions so that the injector knows what services to inject into the function. There are three ways of annotating your code with service name information:
Angular 调用某些函数(像工厂类的service和controllers)通过 注入器。你需要给这些函数注释,这样注入器知道什么样的services要被注入到这个函数。这里有3个方法注释你的代码带上service的名字信息。
  • Using the inline array annotation (preferred)
  • Using the$injectproperty annotation
  • Implicitly from the function parameter names (has caveats)

Inline Array Annotation(内联数组注释)
This is the preferred way to annotate application components. This is how the examples in the documentation are written.

For example:

'greeter', greeter) { // ...}]);
Here we pass an array whose elements consist of a list of strings (the names of the dependencies) followed by the function itself.
When using this type of annotation,take care to keep the annotation array in sync with the parameters in the function declaration.

$injectProperty Annotation($inject属性注释)

To allow the minifiers to rename the function parameters and still be able to inject the right services,the function needs to be annotated with the $injectproperty. The $injectproperty is an array of service names to inject.
为了允许the minifiers 重命名函数参数,但仍能够注入正确的services,函数需要被注释$inject属性。$inject属性是一个包含需要被注入的service名字的数组。
var MyController = function($scope,136)">// ...}@H_807_502@MyController.$inject = ['greeter']; someModule.controller( @H_807_502@MyController);
In this scenario the ordering of the values in the $injectarray must match the ordering of the parameters in @H_807_502@MyController.
Just like with the array annotation,you'll need to take care to keep the $injectin sync with the parameters in the function declaration.

Implicit Annotation(隐式注释)
Careful:If you plan to minifyyour code,your service names will get renamed and break your app.

The simplest way to get hold of the dependencies is to assume that the function parameter names are the names of the dependencies.
// ...});
Given a function,the injector can infer the names of the services to inject by examining the function declaration and extracting the parameter names. In the above example,$scopeand greeterare two services which need to be injected into the function.
One advantage of this approach is that there's no array of names to keep in sync with the function parameters. You can also freely reorder dependencies.
这种方法的一个优势是不需要去关心 ‘包含名字的数组’和函数参数的同步问题。你可以不用关心依赖的顺序。
However this method will not work with JavaScript minifiers/obfuscators because of how they rename parameters.
无论如何不能够生效当使用JavaScript压缩器/ 因为他们会重命名参数。
