域驱动设计 – 将现实世界的逻辑放入DDD域层中

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了域驱动设计 – 将现实世界的逻辑放入DDD域层中前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。




具有确认电子邮件的例子已经在其他主题中进行了大量讨论,但没有得到真正的结论。有些建议将逻辑放在应用程序服务中,从基础结构层注入一个EmailService和FileService。但是,那么我会在域外有业务逻辑吗?其他人建议创建一个可以注入基础架构服务的域服务,但是在这种情况下,我需要在域层(IEmailService和IFileService)内部具有基础设施服务的接口,这不是太好(因为域层无法参考基础设施层)。而其他人建议实施@L_502_0@,然后让EmailService和FileService订阅这些事件。但这似乎是一个非常宽松的实现 – 如果服务失败会发生什么?请让我知道你认为这是正确的解决方案。


好的,这可能与第一个例子有关。这里的问题是谁负责协调交易?当然,我可以把所有的东西放在MVC控制器中,注入服务。但是如果我想要真正的DDD,所有的业务逻辑都应该在域中。但哪个实体应该有“购​​买”方式? Song.Purchase()? Order.Purchase()? OrderProcessor.Purchase()(域服务)? ShoppingCartService.Purchase()(应用服务?)



A user signs up for a service. The user is persisted in the
database,a file is generated and saved (needed for the user account),
and a confirmation email is sent.

您可以在这里申请Dependency Inversion Principle。定义一个域接口,如下所示:

void ICanSendConfirmationEmail(EmailAddress address,...)


void ICanNotifyUserOfSuccessfulRegistration(EmailAddress address,...)


A song is purchased from a digital music store. The shopping cart
is emptied. The purchase is persisted. The payment service is called.
An email confirmation is sent. Ok,this might be related to the first example. The question here is,who is responsible for orchestrating this transaction?

使用OOP最佳做法分配责任(GRASP和SOLID)。单元测试和重构将给您一个设计反馈。编排本身可以是薄应用层的一部分。从DDD Layered Architecture

Application Layer: Defines the jobs the software is supposed to do and directs the
expressive domain objects to work out problems. The tasks this layer
is responsible for are meaningful to the business or necessary for
interaction with the application layers of other systems.

This layer is kept thin. It does not contain business rules or knowledge,but only coordinates tasks and delegates work to collaborations of domain objects in the next layer down. It does not have state reflecting the business situation,but it can have state that reflects the progress of a task for the user or the program.
