namespace ClickOnceDemo { static class Program { /// summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// /summary> [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault( false ); bool ok; var m = new System.Threading.Mutex( true,"Application",out ok ); if ( !ok ) { MessageBox.Show( "Another instance is already running.",ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion.ToString() ); return; } Application.Run( new UpdateProgress() ); } } }
在我们这样做之前,我们应该禁用自动ClickOnce更新检查(在“发布 – 更新…”对话框中).
namespace ClickOnceDemo { public partial class UpdateProgress : Form { public UpdateProgress() { InitializeComponent(); Text = "Checking for updates..."; ApplicationDeployment ad = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; ad.CheckForUpdateCompleted += OnCheckForUpdateCompleted; ad.CheckForUpdateProgressChanged += OnCheckForUpdateProgressChanged; ad.CheckForUpdateAsync(); } private void OnCheckForUpdateProgressChanged(object sender,DeploymentProgressChangedEventArgs e) { lblStatus.Text = String.Format( "Downloading: {0}. {1:D}K of {2:D}K downloaded.",GetProgressString( e.State ),e.BytesCompleted / 1024,e.BytesTotal / 1024 ); progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; } string GetProgressString( DeploymentProgressState state ) { if ( state == DeploymentProgressState.DownloadingApplicationFiles ) { return "application files"; } if ( state == DeploymentProgressState.DownloadingApplicationInformation ) { return "application manifest"; } return "deployment manifest"; } private void OnCheckForUpdateCompleted(object sender,CheckForUpdateCompletedEventArgs e) { if ( e.Error != null ) { MessageBox.Show( "ERROR: Could not retrieve new version of the application. Reason: \n" + e.Error.Message + "\nPlease report this error to the system administrator." ); return; } if ( e.Cancelled ) { MessageBox.Show( "The update was cancelled." ); } // Ask the user if they would like to update the application now. if ( e.UpdateAvailable ) { if ( !e.IsUpdaterequired ) { long updateSize = e.UpdateSizeBytes; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show( string.Format("An update ({0}K) is available. Would you like to update the application now?",updateSize/1024),"Update Available",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel ); if ( DialogResult.OK == dr ) { BeginUpdate(); } } else { MessageBox.Show( "A mandatory update is available for your application. We will install the update now,after which we will save all of your in-progress data and restart your application." ); BeginUpdate(); } } else { ShowMainForm(); } } // Show the main application form private void ShowMainForm() { MainForm mainForm = new MainForm (); mainForm.Show(); Hide(); } private void BeginUpdate() { Text = "Downloading update..."; ApplicationDeployment ad = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; ad.UpdateCompleted += ad_UpdateCompleted; ad.UpdateProgressChanged += ad_UpdateProgressChanged; ad.UpdateAsync(); } void ad_UpdateProgressChanged( object sender,DeploymentProgressChangedEventArgs e ) { String progressText = String.Format( "{0:D}K out of {1:D}K downloaded - {2:D}% complete",e.BytesTotal / 1024,e.ProgressPercentage ); progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; lblStatus.Text = progressText; } void ad_UpdateCompleted( object sender,AsyncCompletedEventArgs e ) { if ( e.Cancelled ) { MessageBox.Show( "The update of the application's latest version was cancelled." ); return; } if ( e.Error != null ) { MessageBox.Show( "ERROR: Could not install the latest version of the application. Reason: \n" + e.Error.Message + "\nPlease report this error to the system administrator." ); return; } DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show( "The application has been updated. Restart? (If you do not restart now,the new version will not take effect until after you quit and launch the application again.)","Restart Application",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel ); if ( DialogResult.OK == dr ) { Application.Restart(); } else { ShowMainForm(); } } } }
特别感谢Timothy Walters 提供的源代码