
我正在尝试将Idris翻译成Cayenne的一个例子 – 一种依赖类型为 paper的语言.


PrintfType : (List Char) -> Type
PrintfType Nil                = String
PrintfType ('%' :: 'd' :: cs) = Int -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%' :: 's' :: cs) = String -> PrintfType cs
PrintfType ('%' ::  _  :: cs) = PrintfType cs
PrintfType ( _  :: cs)        = PrintfType cs

printf : (fmt: List Char) -> PrintfType fmt
printf fmt = rec fmt "" where
  rec : (f: List Char) -> String -> PrintfType f
  rec Nil acc = acc
  rec ('%' :: 'd' :: cs) acc = \i => rec cs (acc ++ (show i))
  rec ('%' :: 's' :: cs) acc = \s => rec cs (acc ++ s) 
  rec ('%' ::  _  :: cs) acc = rec cs acc  -- this is line 49
  rec ( c  :: cs)        acc = rec cs (acc ++ (pack [c]))



Type checking ./sprintf.idr
sprintf.idr:49:Can't unify PrintfType (Prelude.List.:: '%' (Prelude.List.:: t cs)) with PrintfType cs

    Can't convert PrintfType (Prelude.List.:: '%' (Prelude.List.:: t cs)) with PrintfType cs

如果我在PrintfType和printf中注释掉3个元素(带有’%’:: …的元素)的所有模式匹配,那么代码编译(但显然不会有任何有趣的事情).


看起来像idris中有一些 current limitations在定义模式重叠的函数(例如’%’::’d’与c :: cs重叠时,经过很多尝试,我终于找到了一个解决方法
data Format = End | FInt Format | FString Format | FChar Char Format
fromList : List Char -> Format
fromList Nil                = End
fromList ('%' :: 'd' :: cs) = FInt    (fromList cs)
fromList ('%' :: 's' :: cs) = FString (fromList cs)
fromList (c :: cs)          = FChar c (fromList cs)

PrintfType : Format -> Type
PrintfType End            = String
PrintfType (FInt rest)    = Int -> PrintfType rest
PrintfType (FString rest) = String -> PrintfType rest
PrintfType (FChar c rest) = PrintfType rest

printf : (fmt: String) -> PrintfType (fromList $unpack fmt)
printf fmt = printFormat (fromList $unpack fmt) where
  printFormat : (fmt: Format) -> PrintfType fmt
  printFormat fmt = rec fmt "" where
    rec : (f: Format) -> String -> PrintfType f
    rec End acc            = acc
    rec (FInt rest) acc    = \i: Int => rec rest (acc ++ (show i))
    rec (FString rest) acc = \s: String => rec rest (acc ++ s)
    rec (FChar c rest) acc = rec rest (acc ++ (pack [c]))

格式是表示格式字符串的递归数据类型. FInt是一个int占位符,FString是字符串占位符,FChar是一个字符文字.使用格式我可以定义PrintfType并实现printFormat.从那里,我可以顺利地扩展到一个字符串,而不是列表字符或格式值.最终的结果是:

*sprintf> printf "the %s is %d" "answer" 42
"the answer is 42" : String
