我在Cabal/Survival – HaskellWiki阅读以下内容:
1. What is the difficulty caused by Cabal-install?
The main difficulty with Cabal is otherwise known as ‘dependency hell’,in which the
cabal-install does not manage to install a desired package for a
reason or another,leading to large amount of manual work. As an
example of this difficulty,consider a case where the user wishes to
install packages A and B. Both of these work with package C,but not
with the same version of C.
我理解为什么这一般有意义,但不适用于Cabal-install / ghc-pkg,因为你可以安装相同软件包的多个版本.
这就好像每个版本都是一个完全不同的软件包,在许多方面,版本如何成为软件包名称的一部分(例如mustaches- – 也许它真的是用于ghc-pkg(我不是完全熟悉它,但它会有意义).
B和C都依赖于A.但是,如果它们是在不同时间安装的,它们可能依赖于不同版本的A.例如,版本1导出类型T = Int,但在版本2中导出类型T = Bool .