sudo mkdir /usr/local/jetbrains复制下载好的tar.gz包到这个目录
sudo cp ideaIU-2016.2.5.tar.gz /usr/local/jetbrains/切换目录并解压
cd /usr/local/jetbrains/ sudo tar -zxvf ideaIU-2016.2.5.tar.gz创建软链接
sudo ln -s /usr/local/jetbrains/idea-IU-162.2228.15 idea2016查看安装指导文件
cd idea2016 cat Install-Linux-tar.txt如果安装指导比较长可以加more或者less命令查看
cat Install-Linux-tar.txt |more cat Install-Linux-tar.txt |less这里直接把文件内容贴过来
IntelliJ IDEA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS =============================================================================== Linux Installation Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Unpack the IntelliJ IDEA distribution archive that you downloaded to where you wish to install the program. We will refer to this destination location as your {installation home} below. 2. Open a console and cd into "{installation home}/bin" and type: ./idea.sh to start the application. As a side effect,this will initialize varIoUs configuration files in the ~/.IntelliJIdea2016.2 directory. 3. [OPTIONAL] Add "{installation home}/bin" to your PATH environment variable so that you may start IntelliJ IDEA from any directory. 4. [OPTIONAL] To adjust the value of the JVM heap size,create ~/.IntelliJIdea2016.2/idea.vmoptions (or idea64.vmoptions if using a 64-bit JDK),and set the -Xms and -Xmx parameters. To see how to do this,you can reference the vmoptions file under "{installation home}/bin" as a model. [OPTIONAL] Changing the location of "config" and "system" directories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By default,IntelliJ IDEA stores all your settings under the ~/.IntelliJIdea2016.2/config directory and uses ~/.IntelliJIdea2016.2/system as a data cache. If you want to change these settings,1. Open a console and cd into ~/.IntelliJIdea2016.2/ 2. Create the file "idea.properties" and open it in an editor. Set the idea.system.path and/or idea.config.path variables as desired,for example: idea.system.path=~/custom/system idea.config.path=~/custom/config 3. Note that we recommend to store data cache ("system" directory) on a disk with at least 1GB of free space. Enjoy! -IntelliJ IDEA Development Team大致内容是说切换到bin目录,然后执行./idea.sh就可以用了,配置文件默认放到了~/.IntelliJIdea2016.2/目录,升级版本到时候要注意这个文件夹,反正我是没正常升级过,这个等出来2016.3的正式版再研究
cd bin/ ./idea.sh到这里就算安装完成了