雅虎Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site引用:
The favicon.ico is an image that stays@H_403_2@ in the root of your server. It’s a@H_403_2@ necessary evil because even if you@H_403_2@ don’t care about it the browser will@H_403_2@ still request it,so it’s better not@H_403_2@ to respond with a 404 Not Found. Also@H_403_2@ since it’s on the same server,cookies@H_403_2@ are sent every time it’s requested.@H_403_2@ This image also interferes with the@H_403_2@ download sequence,for example in IE@H_403_2@ when you request extra components in@H_403_2@ the onload,the favicon will be@H_403_2@ downloaded before these extra@H_403_2@ components.