我的主要目标是在MS Access表单代码/模块中搜索某些单词(例如dog,cat,cow等)并返回包含该单词的模块名称. (或者至少如果存在或不存在则返回)
Sub SearchAllCode() Dim ap As New Access.Application Dim sfile As String,afind As Variant Dim mdlname As String,mdl As Object Dim prcname As String Dim lsline As Long,lscol As Long Dim leline As Long,lecol As Long Dim sline As String,r As Long Dim i,j ap.Visible = True afind = Split("msgBox,chair,ombo,Visible",",") sfile = Dir("Z:\Docs\*.accdb") Do While sfile <> vbNullString ap.OpenCurrentDatabase "Z:\Docs\" & sfile,False,"pass" For i = 1 To ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Count Set mdl = ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(i).CodeModule For j = 0 To UBound(afind) leline = mdl.CountOfLines ''object.Find(target,startline,startcol,endline,endcol ''[,wholeword] [,matchcase] [,patternsearch]) As Boolean ''The default is false for the three optional parameters. ''Finds first occurrence only If mdl.Find(afind(j),lsline,lscol,leline,lecol) Then sline = mdl.Lines(lsline,Abs(leline - lsline) + 1) prcname = mdl.ProcOfLine(lsline,r) Debug.Print mdl.Name Debug.Print prcname Debug.Print lsline Debug.Print sline End If Next Next ap.CloseCurrentDatabase sfile = Dir Loop ap.Quit End Sub
Sub AlternativeSearch() Dim ap As New Access.Application Dim sfile As String,afind As Variant Dim mdl As Object Dim modtext As String,modarray As Variant Dim leline As Long Dim i,j,k ap.Visible = True afind = Split("msgBox,"pass" For i = 1 To ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Count Set mdl = ap.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(i).codemodule 'ap.Modules(mdlname) leline = mdl.CountOfLines modtext = mdl.Lines(1,leline) For j = 0 To UBound(afind) If InStr(modtext,afind(j)) > 0 Then Debug.Print "****" & afind(j) & " found in " & mdl.Name modarray = Split(modtext,vbCrLf) For k = 0 To UBound(modarray) If InStr(modarray(k),afind(j)) > 0 Then Debug.Print k Debug.Print modarray(k) End If Next End If Next Next ap.CloseCurrentDatabase sfile = Dir Loop ap.Quit End Sub