@H_404_1@使用网络组件,人们想要创建和覆盖的元素之一是< input>.输入元素是坏的,因为它们根据类型很多,通常很难自定义,所以人们总是想修改它们的外观和行为是正常的.
所以我留下了正常的自定义元素;他们可以使用阴影DOM,并有任何我想要的逻辑,但我希望他们成为输入!他们应该在< form>内部工作,但如果我是正确的,表单元素不喜欢它们.我必须编写自己的自定义表单元素,以及复制所有原生的表单元素吗?我必须告别FormData,验证API等吗?我是否失去了能够使用没有javascript的输入的表单?
在其中放置一个隐藏的< input>元素,其名称(将被传递到< form>)).
我在this answer to a similar SO question发了一个例子.
class CI extends HTMLElement { constructor () { super() var sh = this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } ) sh.appendChild( tpl.content.cloneNode( true ) ) } connectedCallback () { var view = this var name = this.getAttribute( 'name' ) //proxy input elemnt var input = document.createElement( 'input' ) input.name = name input.value = this.getAttribute( 'value' ) input.id = 'realInput' input.style = 'width:0;height:0;border:none;background:red' input.tabIndex = -1 this.appendChild( input ) //content editable var content = this.shadowRoot.querySelector( '#content' ) content.textContent = this.getAttribute( 'value' ) content.oninput = function () { //console.warn( 'content editable changed to',content.textContent ) view.setAttribute( 'value',content.textContent) } //click on label var label = document.querySelector( 'label[for="' + name + '"]' ) label.onclick = function () { content.focus() } //autofill update input.addEventListener( 'change',function () { //console.warn( 'real input changed' ) view.setAttribute( 'value',this.value ) content.value = this.value } ) this.connected = true } attributeChangedCallback ( name,old,value ) { //console.info( 'attribute %s changed to %s',name,value ) if ( this.connected ) { this.querySelector( '#realInput' ).value = value this.shadowRoot.querySelector( '#content' ).textContent = value } } } CI.observedAttributes = [ "value" ] customElements.define( 'custom-input',CI ) //Submit function submitF () { for( var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++ ) { var input = this[i] if ( input.name ) console.log( '%s=%s',input.name,input.value ) } } S1.onclick = function () { submitF.apply(form1) }
<form id=form1> <table> <tr><td><label for=name>Name</label> <td><input name=name id=name> <tr><td><label for=address>Address</label> <td><input name=address id=address> <tr><td><label for=city>City</label> <td><custom-input id=city name=city></custom-input> <tr><td><label for=zip>Zip</label> <td><input name=zip id=zip> <tr><td colspan=2><input id=S1 type=button value="Submit"> </table> </form> <hr> <div> <button onclick="document.querySelector('custom-input').setAttribute('value','Paris')">city => Paris</button> </div> <template id=tpl> <style> #content { background: dodgerblue; color: white; min-width: 50px; font-family: Courier New,Courier,monospace; font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: 600; display: inline-block; padding: 2px; } </style> <div contenteditable id=content></div> <slot></slot> </template>