Tomcat 7正在
Windows系统上运行.我需要每天在特定时间重新启动其中一个deplyoed Web应用程序.
curl --user admin:admin http://localhost:8080/manager/text/reload?path=/myapp
Doc这里:Manager App HOW-TO,Reload An Existing Application
It would be quite unsafe to ship Tomcat with default settings that
allowed anyone on the Internet to execute the Manager application on
your server. Therefore,the Manager application is shipped with the
requirement that anyone who attempts to use it must authenticate
themselves,using a username and password that have the role
manager-script associated with them. Further,there is no username in
the default users file ($CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml
) that is
assigned this role. Therefore,access to the Manager application is
completely disabled by default.
注意:Tomcat 6使用不同的管理URL. (Apache Tomcat 6.0 Manager App HOW-TO)