a)为了使用户能够从他们的工作站执行这些操作,除了安装Remote Server and Administration Tools之外还有其他方法吗?我能以某种方式仅安装“Active Directory用户和计算机”管理单元吗?@H_502_3@
a) In order for the users to be able to perform these actions from their workstations,is there any other method other than installing the Remote Server and Administration Tools? Could I install only the ‘Active Directory Users and Computers’ snap-in somehow?@H_502_3@
ADUC是RSAT的一部分.他们需要安装它们,除非他们想要使用命令行net use命令,这不会非常有效.@H_502_3@
b) Despite creating a custom AD snap-in using mmc.exe so the single OU to be managed is at the root,I was surprised to see that users still had read-access to the whole AD domain structure. Is this by design or have my permissions gone awry somewhere?@H_502_3@
这是正常的和预期的.你的广告中几乎没有任何秘密,在大多数情况下,它确实没有理由.即使您没有为这些用户(或任何用户)安装ADUC,他们仍然可以使用dsquery,net use或Get-AD * PowerShell cmdlet收集有关您的域的信息.@H_502_3@