我首先相信它,但就Chrome检查它,似乎设置为[‘loop’] = false实际上会让它被识别为假的.我不确定这个事实在跨浏览时是多么强大.浏览器之间有什么区别吗?
Some attributes play the role of boolean variables (e.g.,the selected
attribute for the OPTION element). Their appearance in the start tag
of an element implies that the value of the attribute is “true”. Their
absence implies a value of “false”.Boolean attributes may legally take a single value: the name of the
attribute itself (e.g.,selected=”selected”).
因此,虽然某些浏览器可能会将字符串“false”解释为未设置该值,但其他浏览器可能无法决定(这是正确的行为).实际上,据我所知(或者想到),任何非空字符串通常都会将值设置为on / true(不管规范所说的是合法值).我相信这也是未定义的行为,所以这可能会改变或者在浏览器与浏览器之间有所不同(不要依赖它).
附录:仔细观察你的评论和问题,我认为你可能会对属性值感到困惑.在HTML中,attr = false和attr =“false”完全相同.任何版本的HTML都不需要引号(除非在值包含空格时需要删除歧义).例如:
<input class=required> <!-- This is fine --> <input class=title required> <!-- this is fine too,but "required" will be parsed as an attribute --> <input class="title required"> <!-- To have two classes,we need the quotes -->